Dr. Ann

Quick and Easy Vinaigrette: 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup vinegar of choice (apple cider, balsamic, rice, sherry, white wine, red wine, etc.) 1 heaping tsp. dijon mustard 1 tsp. honey Optional – Herbs or spices (fresh or dried) as desired (garlic, rosemary, basil, chives, curry, cumin, turmeric, dill, cilantro, etc.) I prefer […]

Whether you are trying to lose a few pounds or keep the scale steady – here are some super-easy steps for priming your fat-burning machinery and revving up metabolism. Steer clear of the “Great White Hazards.” (white flour products, white rice, white potatoes, and sugar)  These foods lead to rapid surges in blood glucose and […]

Regular exercise has a rock-solid reputation for slowing the aging process and a new study points to HIT as the most effective of all. HIT stands for “high-intensity interval training” and is defined by very brief, but very vigorous bouts of aerobic activity alternating with longer intervals of light activity. For example, pedaling on a […]

I always include 1 cup (that’s 2 servings) of fruit at breakfast. Most often, frozen berries or frozen berries with banana, kiwi, pear, or apple. I always include 1 ½ cups of veggies at lunch (that’s about 2 – 2 ½ servings). I most often have a combination of leftover dinner veggies and a fresh […]

I am a big believer in simple visuals for staying on track with healthy eating and was thrilled when the USDA adopted the “My Plate” icon to replace the confusing and essentially useless “food pyramid.” When I sit down to order a meal, I always aspire to create the “perfect plate” – with one-half of […]

Past studies have repeatedly identified snacking as a risk factor for weight gain. As such, it was disheartening to learn that Americans are snacking at an all-time high. Based on this evaluation, snacking accounts for a whopping 25% of our daily calories or an average of 580 calories a day! Even more alarming, half of […]

The food industry has mastered labeling their products in such a way that we are tempted to eat just about anything. Many so-called “health foods” are nothing more than nutritionally defunct, empty calories masquerading as the good guys you want them to be. What follows are the most notorious “health food imposters.” Flavored yogurt products: Although […]

Mushrooms are great for you! They’re super low in calories (20 calories per ½ cup), but high in key nutrients, including B vitamins, copper, potassium, and selenium – it’s wise to get into the health habit of including them regularly in your diet. A little known fact is that mushrooms are also filled with powerful […]

I was blessed to discover the joys of healthy living at a young age and have been hooked ever since. I also know that there is no way I could speak to people with the heart, passion, energy and authenticity it takes to compel them to improve their health behaviors unless I practice what I […]

One of my biggest pet peeves is the ever-exploding selection of designer waters now available on the grocery shelves. Despite their labels that include ultra healthy words like “vitamin”, “fitness”, or “skinny”, there is no evidence that fortifying water with vitamins, minerals, herbs, or antioxidants has any health benefits. To the contrary, given the growing […]

Avocado lovers rejoice! Replacing fresh avocado for refined carbs appears to be a delicious way to reduce hunger, boost fullness and improve blood glucose and insulin levels. For this study researchers had 31 overweight study subjects consume one of three test meals on three separate occasions. All of the test meals contained the same number […]

Loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, is a common and potentially deadly accompaniment to aging and good nutrition proves to be a powerful ally to help counter this debilitating state. Maintaining muscle mass is fundamental to ensuring a healthy metabolism and plays a defining role in maintaining functionality in old age. In fact, muscular […]