Dr. Ann

Needless to say, if you want to lose weight or maintain the healthy weight you already have, there are sound scientific reasons to avoid the wrong carbohydrates—those highly refined, quickly digested Great White Hazards. Aside from their white color, how can you tell which carbohydrates are quickly digested and which are slowly digested? Once again, […]

Extreme obesity is affecting record numbers of children including 7.3% of boys and 5.5% of girls.  Those hit hardest are teenage African American girls (11.9%) and Hispanic teenage boys (11.2%) (Journal of Pediatrics, March 2010).  As a parent, here are the most powerful steps you can take to protect your child from obesity.   Related:   […]

Plant-based diets scored another healthy victory thanks to investigators from Colorado State University.  After carefully following the diets of 34,028 Chinese women over 10 years, those who reported eating the most fruit, vegetables, and soy foods lowered their risk of developing breast cancer by 30 percent.  The cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels […]

In what was the most eyebrow-raising report I reviewed this month, Princeton University researchers found that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is uniquely fattening relative to regular table sugar, and when consumed long term, leads to dramatic weight gain.  To investigate, researchers performed two separate laboratory experiments with rats.  In the first, male rats were […]

Risk factors for the development of this epidemic, potentially life-threatening condition include being overweight, being physically inactive, having a close relative with the disease, and consuming trans fats.   If you have any of these traits, it is imperative that you avoid regular consumption of the Great White Hazards (white flour products, white potatoes, sugar, […]

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control found 20.3% of all US teens have unhealthy cholesterol levels.  Although heavier teens were the most likely to have high cholesterol, even 14% of normal weight teens had elevated cholesterol levels. Take charge of the health of your teens and download the free “cliff notes” to […]

The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and a new report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons.  Read More >>

Carbs continue to be a source of controversy in many American’s minds. Are you one of the countless Americans suffering from total carb confusion?  I suspect many of you are, which is a shame because doing your carbs right is the second most powerful nutritional strategy available to you to protect your health.  And when […]

After following 4, 857 US children through adulthood, a first of its kind study determined that being overweight in childhood was the single most powerful predictor of premature death from chronic disease.  The children in the top quarter for weight were 230% more likely to die at any earlier age than those in the lowest […]

I am frequently asked what protein powder I recommend and finally I have discovered one that I know is truly “healthy” and that I  can whole heartedly endorse –  hemp seed  powder.  It is made from ground hemp seeds so it is a “whole food” protein versus the “isolated” protein in whey, casein, or soy […]

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates enthusiastically proclaimed, “What is good for the heart is good for the mind.” Now we know he was spot on with these sage words. Studies over the past decades have consistently revealed that if you take good care of your heart and arteries, you get the added bonus of having […]

Healthy eating is both easy and delicious and sharing the joys of living well with as many people as possible is a central theme in my mission. Read on to discover this for yourself as I share 10 simple ways to boost the nutrition of your favorites with great- tasting extras.  read more>>