Dr. Ann

  Past studies have linked low levels of vitamin D with depression, and this evaluation adds to the growing pile of evidence that adequate levels of vitamin D are fundamental to good mental health. This evaluation included over 7,000 British subjects and found those with vitamin D levels in the normal range had a 43% lower […]

The mineral magnesium is involved in over 300 critical biochemical reactions in the human body, including converting vitamin D into its active form. Unfortunately, low dietary intakes of this mighty mineral are rampant. Limiting processed, industrial foods and replacing them with whole, real foods direct from Mother Earth is a wonderful start. Additionally, make note […]

Low levels of vitamin D are amongst the most common and concerning of all vitamin deficiencies reported in the US, affecting 50-70 percent of adults and 30 to 50 percent of youth. Sadly, low levels of vitamin D have been tied to a litany of adverse health outcomes including CV disease, cancer, metabolic dysfunction, Type […]