In what was arguably the most resounding scientific affirmation of the phenomenal power of healthy living to keep chronic disease largely under wraps, researchers reporting in the Archives of Internal Medicine (August 09) found that adhering to 4 lifestyle practices slashes the risk of developing our biggest killers. Based on this powerful study, people who… avoid […]
There is perhaps no other food that has received more spin than soy! Here are the facts based on my understanding of the science: Whole soy foods have an exemplary nutritional profile, i.e. they are very, very nutritious. o Provide high quality, (“complete”) inexpensive vegetable protein that is naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free. […]
Whole grains have already reached blockbuster status as foods that provide broad-spectrum disease protection and a powerful study adds to many others touting this wholesome food group as a powerful defense against type 2 diabetes. In a study that followed the diets of over 5,000 adults over an 8-10 year period, those consuming the most […]
Regardless of how much you exercise, your body weight, or health status, prolonged sitting appears to dramatically boost the risk of dying. This is the riveting conclusion from a landmark report, and everybody needs to take heed. This study is part of the largest ongoing evaluation of healthy aging in the southern hemisphere and included […]
Eating a “big” breakfast relative to other meals has been shown in past studies to be helpful with appetite control and weight loss. According to an intriguing laboratory evaluation, it may be especially wise to include a hefty dose of fat in this first feeding of the day. In this study, mice fed a breakfast […]
If you can reach the age of 45 free of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and tobacco use, you can breathe a huge, heart-felt sigh of relief. Based on a landmark analysis undertaken to determine how various cardiovascular risk factors at various ages impact the risk of heart disease, the expected […]
Like other green vegetables, asparagus are chock full of nutrients, providing 20 different vitamins and minerals including a huge dose of folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A. This terrific trio makes them particularly valuable for heart health, healthy pregnancy, and keeping the immune system in good working order. Here is one of my favorite recipes to boost […]
Flavored yogurt products: Although these “healthy favorites” provide some of the calcium, B vitamins, and essential amino acids, they are loaded with added sugar – in many cases more than is typically found in a standard dessert. “Yogurt” products, through slick packaging and clever marketing have very successfully garnered what is referred to as the “health halo effect” […]
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of adult blindness, and eating fish may offer a big catch for prevention. According to the powerful, Harvard-based Women’s Health Study, women who consumed one or more servings of fish weekly were 42 percent less likely to develop AMD versus those eating fish once or less a […]
If you enjoy your yogurt like I do, you will be pleased to know that in addition to getting a nice dose of several critical nutrients like calcium, zinc, potassium, B vitamins and those awesome beneficial bacteria (probiotics) – yogurt may help lower your risk of high blood pressure. In a study that followed the […]
Because life happens for me too – sometimes fast food is my only option. Here is how I handle this precarious situation. If I am really pressed for time, my first choice is Subway. Fortunately, Subways are everywhere and now outnumber any other fast food chain. Here is exactly what I order: Turkey and Provolone […]
Over the past decade, there has been a flood of studies supporting the supreme importance of optimal sleep for weight control. It appears that inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain through a host of separate mechanisms that affect both the energy intake and the energy expenditure side of the body weight equation. In summery of […]