The total number of known chemicals used intentionally in the packaging, storage, and processing of our foods exceeds 4,000 and the standard toxicology analysis required to be performed on them does not evaluate their capacity to disrupt our hormones. So play it safe and eat Mother Nature’s REAL foods and avoid man-made processed foods. (Epidemiology […]
In a this revealing study, scientists were able to show that consuming a high fat diet could disrupt normal brain function by altering the bacteria in the gut. There is growing evidence that the ecosystem of bacteria that reside in our guts, referred to as “the microbiome,” plays a pivotal role in mental health. The scientists […]
Beware of Processed Foods In a study published in the prestigious journal, Nature, which really grabbed my attention, scientists concluded that very commonly used food additives, known as emulsifiers, may be triggering inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as well as obesity and other metabolic disorders. Recognizing that diet has an enormous impact on the microbiome (the name given […]
Consuming too much sodium increases blood pressure and damages your arteries. The average American consumes more than double the amount of recommended sodium. About 80% of the excess sodium in our diets comes from processed and restaurant foods, not the saltshaker on your table. Some restaurant and fast food meals contain more than a day’s […]
Get REAL! That is my passionate plea to you and everyone else. Why? A new report finds that an eye-popping 61 percent of the calories in foods purchased from grocery stores come from highly processed, industrial foods. To make this determination, researchers analyzed at least one year of grocery store purchases from over 157,000 households between 2000 and 2012, […]
I am personally convinced that you can eat yourself happy or eat yourself sad, but it is great to get some data to back up my beliefs. In an evaluation that monitored the diets of over 2000 adult males in Finland for a period of 13-20 years, those adhering to a “healthy” diet had less […]