Sleep is paramount for health and weight control. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent sleep deprivation from putting a damper on your health and your diet. Here’s what I suggest: -Strive to get at least seven hours of restful sleep a night. Some people do even better with eight. -Make the room […]
Want to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep and boost your daytime effectiveness? Get up and move! A wonderful report that carefully and accurately measured the study subject’s daily physical activity found a striking relationship between physical activity levels and sound, effective sleep. Specifically, those who engaged in 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous […]
Although poor sleep can impact cancer risk through a number of obvious mechanisms, scientists speculate that its drain on the immune system (your body’s anti-cancer and anti-infection system) is likely the most significant factor. A stunning (headline news) report from the January issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine hammered home how essential sleep […]