Past studies have repeatedly identified snacking as a risk factor for weight gain. As such, it was disheartening to learn that Americans are snacking at an all-time high. Based on this evaluation, snacking accounts for a whopping 25% of our daily calories or an average of 580 calories a day! Even more alarming, half of […]
Based on the studies I have reviewed over the years, I remain wildly enthusiastic about the healthful goodness in tea. Confirming what I intuitively felt to be the case, scientists concluded that bottled teas are essentially worthless from a health standpoint even though people pay lots of money for them (to the tune of 1 […]
Taking in any amount of trans fats. Science knows no safe level of intake for this truly “toxic” form of fat. Strictly avoid all processed foods that list “partially hydrogenated oil” in their ingredients list. Eating “ultra-palatable” foods with any regularity. Foods high in fat and/or sugar and salt can directly stimulate the brain’s pleasure […]
The foods present on your kitchen counter may have a decisive impact on what you weigh! That was the eye-opening upshot from an intriguing new study lead by the Cornell’s famed eating behavior scientist, Dr. Brian Wansink. For this study, Dr. Wansink and his colleagues photographed 210 Syracuse, New York kitchens and then compared the […]
Study after study after study has linked drinking sugary beverages to a host of modern day ills. And here is another one. In an evaluation involving thousands of adults of various ethnicities, middle-aged women who reported drinking two or more sugary beverages (like soda, fruit drinks, sports drinks, etc) daily were almost four times more likely to […]
Sugary beverages continue to rear their ugly heads on the chronic disease front. Aside from smoking, consuming sugary beverages tops my list of unhealthy habits. Soda has zero nutritional value and has repeatedly been linked to great harm. In a new report that analyzed data from 11 previous studies, researchers concluded that drinking one or […]