Dr. Ann

September 23, 2019 • Heart Health

Women Take Heart

Heart attacks remain the leading killer of women – killing more women than the next 5 causes of death combined.  Additionally, heart attacks tend to be more deadly in women vs. men.  So it was especially good news and incredibly empowering that a provocative study in the Archives of Internal Medicine (October 2007) reported that women could […]

In an attempt to evaluate the scientific efficacy of various interventions to boost intelligence in young children, researchers recently identified three effective strategies. For this evaluation intelligence experts did a comprehensive review of the best published studies. They noted the following IQ boosters: Supplementing the diets of pregnant women and newborns with omega 3 supplements […]

I am a huge advocate of monitoring heart rate during exercise to optimize health, safety and fitness and for the first time a landmark report has determined what calculation can accurately give women their “peak heart rate.” Instead of the traditional 220 minus your age, the new formula is 206 minus 88% of your age.  […]