Dr. Ann

Drinking as little as one sugary drink a day may significantly boost the risk of heart disease. That was the conclusion of an analysis of 106,000 women, healthy at enrollment, who reported on their intake of sugary beverages and had their health monitored for the next 25 years. Known as the California Teachers Study, here were […]

Dietary fiber has garnered a stunning list of health accolades over the past 25 years and thanks to a powerful new review study, this rock star nutrient can proudly shine even brighter. For this report scientists combined the results of 42 previously published, high-quality studies looking at the effects of increasing dietary fiber in those with […]

It’s my standard advice to forego a mid-morning snack, especially for those who want to lose weight, and a study supports this is a sound recommendation. In a twelve-month weight loss study involving 123 overweight adults put on caloric restriction diets, those who reported regular mid-morning snacking lost 40% less weight than study subjects who avoided this […]

The type of fat in your diet has a profound impact on the structure, function, and health of your brain. Enjoy Omega-3 fats in abundance. They can be found in oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, and sardines), walnuts, canola oil, flaxseeds, omega-3 eggs, wheat germ and small leafy greens, make up the majority of […]

Maintaining a healthy and abundant ecosystem of bacteria in your gut is paramount for all aspects of good health, particularly gastrointestinal, metabolic, immune, and brain health. And the surest way to get there is to consume plentiful amounts of fiber-rich, plant-based foods because these are the foods that feed them. Beneficial gut bacteria are especially fond of […]

Some vegetables are better for you raw, while others are better for you cooked. Your best bet is to include some of both each day. I always include at least one cooked vegetable and one raw variety or varieties as part of my family’s dinner each night. For more on the healthiest ways to prepare […]

Garlic, onions, and shallots are some of my favorite culinary gems! Use more garlic, onions, and shallots in your cooking as an easy way to boost their healthfulness, flavor, and mouthfeel. These essentially zero-calorie foods are super high in beneficial plant compounds including a unique group known as kokumi substances. Kokumi agents enhance food’s natural […]

It is now widely accepted that sugary beverages are the most fattening of all forms of calories and have subsequently played a leading role in the obesity epidemic. In fact, of all the things you could do to lose weight, dumping sugary beverages appears to provide the single greatest return for your efforts! The unique […]

Ginger already enjoys rock-star status as a potent anti-inflammatory spice, and now it seems freshening our breath and cleansing our palates are two additional accolades that this gem of a root can claim. The scientists involved in this study reported that ginger’s primary flavor ingredient, 6-gingerol, boosts saliva levels of the enzyme, sulfhydryl oxidase, up to […]

Physically intact whole grains are an exceptional food for health protection and black rice is arguably the cream of the rice crop. This exotic and strikingly luscious colored rice, also known as “forbidden rice,” was revered and specifically reserved for Ancient Asian royalty. Along with a wholesome nutritional wallop from abundant fiber, minerals, and vitamins, […]

No matter how you slice it, this thirst-quenching, low calorie treat is a reservoir of wholesome goodness. Watermelon is dripping in vitamins A and C that come along with a mother load of the awesome antioxidant lycopene. This terrific trio of nutrients qualifies this summer fruit as a champion food for both cancer protection and […]

Dark chocolate lovers rejoice. Two pilot studies found that that dark chocolate may be especially beneficial for the brain and the immune system. Both studies fed study subjects high cacao (70%) dark chocolate and monitored a host of cellular processes, including gene activity in both brain cells and immune cells, as well as brainwave activity. […]