Dr. Ann

To take full advantage of broccoli’s powerful immune-boosting/cancer-fighting compound, sulforaphane, eat it raw, lightly cooked (steam 2-4 minutes), or pair it with some mustard, arugula, radishes, brocco-sprouts or wasabi. All of these simple strategies boost the formation and absorption of the “active” form of sulforaphane. It only takes 3-5 weekly servings of broccoli to reap […]

Fiber has a long list of health benefits. Here are the best ways to get more of this special compound in your daily diet. Consume as many fruits and veggies as possible. The superstars for fiber content include: berries (raspberries #1), snow peas, apples, canned tomato products, pumpkin, cauliflower, avocado, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, Brussels […]

Shake some cinnamon on your morning cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, or right into your cup of coffee for a tasty and easy way to improve your glucose and cholesterol metabolism. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that study subjects who added a bit more than a teaspoon of cinnamon to a rice […]

Get into the habit of making your own salad dressings and forget the store-bought brands.  It’s simple, quick, healthier, cheaper, and tastes so much better. My go-to is… (Blend these together with a fork!) extra virgin olive oil (1/4 cup) apple cider vinegar (1/4 cup) brown mustard (1 big spoonful) curry (1/2 tbsp) honey (2 […]

In one of the largest evaluation to date, scientists concluded that normal weight individuals (those with a normal BMI) that carry their excess weight in the midsection (central obesity) are at the greatest risk of death from any cause relative to those who are overweight or obese and carry their weight elsewhere. In this large-scale […]

Edamame is a superstar food that makes a great addition to any meal!  The fact that not only is this recipe incredibly healthy but amazingly simple is what makes it one of my favorite edamame recipes. Simple Edamame with Lemon and Olive Oil Ingredients: 1 package of frozen shelled edamame cooked according to package instructions 1 […]

Spice up your brainpower with turmeric! That is the advice to take from a clinical trial that has found that consuming even a modest dose of this highly anti-inflammatory spice improved “working memory.” For this placebo-controlled trial, researchers fed one group of elderly subjects recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes a breakfast that contained one gram of turmeric […]

To fully leverage all of the glorious goodness in your vegetables – be sure to eat them along with some form of healthy fat. Fat improves their flavor and texture, but most importantly serves as a vehicle for transporting their fat soluble phytochemicals called carotenoids, from the digestive track into the bloodstream. Carotenoids are one of the most revered […]

The total number of known chemicals used intentionally in the packaging, storage, and processing of our foods exceeds 4,000 and the standard toxicology analysis required to be performed on them does not evaluate their capacity to disrupt our hormones.  So play it safe and eat Mother Nature’s REAL foods and avoid man-made processed foods.  (Epidemiology […]

  Although poor sleep can impact cancer risk through a number of obvious mechanisms, scientists speculate that its drain on the immune system (your body’s anti-cancer and anti-infection system) is likely the most significant factor. A stunning (headline news) report from the January issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine hammered home how essential sleep […]

I do not recommend meal replacement bars because I prefer that you obtain your nutrients and calories from REAL foods. Meal replacement bars are a “classic” factory-made, processed food and many contain the amount of sugar you would get from a dessert. In fact, the best way to think of them is a cookie amped […]

Savory, yet sweet, naturally low in calories, yet filling because of their super-high fiber content – sweet potatoes are a nutritional treasure. This under-appreciated super-affordable tuber is an unsurpassed food source of immune-boosting, heart-happy beta-carotene (1 provides 250% of your daily value!) that comes along with 8 other essential nutrients. And despite their starchy texture […]