Dr. Ann

This Study Shows It Can Even Help Prevent Death WHY YOU SHOULD MAKE EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) YOUR OIL OF CHOICE EVOO reduces the risk of death from many causes. That was the tasty conclusion of a new evaluation that sought to compare olive oil consumption over time with the risk of death from […]

We already know that prunes are great for gut health, and thanks to a new study, it seems prunes are wonderful foods for our bones as well.  For this report, scientists analyzed data from 36 previous studies, 16 in rodents and 12 in humans. Taken together, the data indicate that prunes can protect us from […]

March 17, 2022 •

Add Years to Your Life

Transitioning to a healthy diet leads to impressive gains in life expectancy (LE). That was the uplifting conclusion from a new evaluation published in the journal PLOS Medicine.  For this report, scientists used existing meta-analysis data along with data from the prestigious Global Burden of Disease Study. Using this large body of data, the scientists created a computer […]

March 1, 2022 •

An Emulsifier to Avoid

Sound the alarm! In a pivotal new report, we now have direct, clear evidence that a commonly used food additive, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), quickly disrupts the gut microbiome in healthy subjects. A slew of recent reports from animal studies have indicated that the ubiquitous family of food additives called emulsifiers  radically alter gut bacteria and the […]

March 1, 2022 •

Fresh Ginger for Bad Breath

Today, I want to share a super-healthy and highly effective way to freshen breath and reduce bad breath: Ginger. Ginger already enjoys rock-star status as a potent anti-inflammatory spice (second only to turmeric as the most potent of all anti-inflammatory foods!), and now it seems freshening our breath and cleansing our palates are two additional accolades ginger […]

February 23, 2022 •

A Hidden Danger of Mouthwash

I want to be sure you are aware of  risks that come along with using mouthwash. So here’s the little known, but important story… Just as we have vitally important beneficial bacteria in our guts, the same is true of our oral cavity. Very recent science has uncovered that some species of oral bacteria play […]

When it comes to brain power, your thoughts matter. Stop those negative thoughts! When it comes to brain power, it appears your thoughts matter. That was the eye-opening conclusion of a provocative study published in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia. For this study scientists carefully measured the cognitive function of 292 middle-age to older study subjects over a […]

If you want to burn more fat during your workout, do it before your breakfast. Exercise physiologists wanted to see how a morning workout affected food intake and fat burning. To evaluate, they had 12 fit males exercise on a treadmill at 10 am–either before or after eating breakfast. Following the exercise, all study subjects were given […]

Eat More Greens for Greater Muscle Strength Boost muscle strength by including more dark leafy greens in your diet. In a study that followed the diets and physical status of about 3,800 men and women over a 12-year period, those consuming the most dietary nitrate, a compound abundant in dark leafy greens, exhibited significantly greater strength of […]

What is Time Restricted Eating and how do you do it? Today’s tip actually fits directly into the “eat real food” directive, but it also has benefits for the other directives, namely “nurture your microbiome”, “join me in moving daily”, and “yes to restorative sleep”.  And that would be the exciting topic of Time Restricted Eating, “TRE” for […]

Is soybean oil healthy? What about corn oil, safflower oil, or sunflower oil? Today I want to remind you why and how to limit your omega 6 oils! Omega 6 oils have flooded the American food supply over the past 60 years. They include soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil. These “refined […]

Exposure to a commonly used food dye may significantly boost the risk of gut inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease. That was the alarming conclusion of a series of studies in lab animals observing how various levels of intake and exposure in early life to Allura Red (also referred to on food packaging as Red 40 […]