Fermented foods are rapidly garnering rock star status for a number of reasons, and kefir is one that everyone should know about. This “drinkable yogurt” offers all the goodness in dairy – complete protein, calcium, vitamin D, B-vitamins, zinc and potassium along with a huge dose (up to 200 billion plus per serving – that’s […]
In a powerful landmark report that sought to drill down to what specific dietary and lifestyle factors most closely correlated to weight gain over time, Harvard researchers uncovered some very striking and consistent findings. This behemoth of a study involved over 115,000 adults followed for up to 20 years. Of all the factors they followed […]
We all know what it’s like to get that mid-afternoon hunger strike. If you get hungry, be sure to grab (guilt free!) one of my top 10 favorite snacks! A handful (1 ounce) of nuts – any variety, packaged or bulk fresh Fresh veggies (carrots, bell pepper strips, celery, cherry tomatoes, broccoli florets) dipped in hummus, […]
Want to know to know how to change your diet once and for all? The past decade has delivered a flood of new science showing us the way. Here are the crucial guideposts: Begin first with full acceptance of where you are now – it is profoundly liberating. Seek the inspiration and motivation to change […]
Airports are filled with gut-busting temptations! For your airport travel, abide by these on-the-go principles for the flight to high health. 1. I will not enter the airport terminal famished, and I will always keep healthy hunger-fighting snacks in my carry-on bag for ready access. 2. Because I may be stressed, pressed for time, or […]
Oh, the blessings of movement! Even small doses appear to ward off the blues. In the largest and most extensive study to date, researchers concluded that regular exercise, of any variety, for as little as one hour cumulative, a week can help prevent depression. For this landmark study, researchers monitored the exercise patterns as well […]
Available fresh from early summer to the late fall, usually available frozen, and always available canned – wild salmon is one of the healthiest protein packages on earth. This delectable fish is virtually exploding with almighty omega 3 fats along with several key nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, B vitamins, and vitamin D (think heart health, […]
Well stocked salad bars offer a quick and convenient opportunity to tap into the extraordinary nutritional benefits the right foods can provide. Fortunately – comprehensive salad bars are now easy to access. My personal favorites are Ruby Tuesday, Whole Foods and Earth Fare. To successfully navigate through the salad bar and get the most nutritional […]
We are consuming record amounts of sugars in our diets. Based on the latest scientific reports, the average American consumes 350-475 calories a day of “added” sweeteners. That is the equivalent of 22-30 teaspoons! (“Added” sugars are those that are put into processed foods and beverages – not the “natural” sugars already present in foods […]
This refreshing herb provides vitamin A, potassium, calcium, vitamin C and can boast a higher concentration of flavonoids than any other food! Flavonoids are powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that provide cardiovascular protection, cancer protection and hinder the aging process. Enjoy tabouli regularly – you can make your own or buy it prepackaged. Cedar`s brand […]
-Be sure to have some high quality protein at each feeding/meal. The digestion of protein gives rise to a prolonged and sustained blood glucose level which translates to a steady and robust energy level. My top picks for energizing proteins are omega 3-fortified eggs, nuts, beans, fish, low-fat plain yogurt, and skinless poultry. -Indulge in […]
Want to cut your chances of getting a cold or flu? Take your vitamin D. In the largest and most definitive evaluation to date, taking a regular supplement of vitamin D reduced the risk of an upper respiratory infection substantially. The study combined the data from 25 clinical trials including over 10,000 study subjects from […]