Although lifelong exposure to the sun’s UV rays is a known risk factor for non-melanoma skin cancers, it is important to balance this with the fact that regular prudent, “safe” sun exposure also has key health benefits. That was the passionate plea from the world’s most esteemed vitamin D researchers who recently published a review […]
If you enjoy eating spicy foods, you will be pleased to hear that this palate preference may also lengthen your life. In a new study that followed the health and diets of over 450,000 Asian study subjects for a median of 7 years, those consuming spicy foods often were less likely to die. Relative to […]
When it comes to optimal health, what you do in the kitchen matters. Here are 4 major blunders to avoid. Do not use plastic in the storage, preparation or serving of your foods, especially hot foods. Plastics can contain potentially toxic residues like antimony, phthalates, and BPA, and heat facilitates the movement of these biochemically […]
The delectable Mediterranean Diet characterized as rich in fruits, veggies, legumes, fish, and olive oil and low in red meat, sugar, and refined carbs has been strongly tied to lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, dementia, obesity, and depression.
Dining out in full-service restaurants offers equivalent risks to your health and your bodyweight as noshing on fast food. That was the sobering conclusion from a new report that followed the dietary habits of a representative sample of 18,098 US adults over an eight-year period. The researchers found that when Americans dine out, whether in a fast […]
Poor sleep leads to poorer lifestyle habits. That was the sobering conclusion from a new study that sought to tease out the cause and effect relationship between sleep and lifestyle choices in a scientifically rigorous manner. For this first-of-its-kind evaluation, a group of sleep researchers collaboratively followed and evaluated the sleep and lifestyle habits of […]
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a new diet-related chronic disease, is now the most common disease in America-affecting 45 percent of all Latinos, 33 percent of all Caucasians, 24 percent of all African Americans, and 30-40 percent of obese kids.
Flavonoids, those plant-based miracle workers of good health score again. This time for slashing the risk of death. For this study, scientists followed the diets and mortality status of 1,063 elderly women for five years. Those consuming the most dietary flavonoids reduced their risk of all-cause mortality by an impressive 60 percent. Translation: Women who consumed […]
Of all foods, egg yolks offer the most bio-available food source of the vital, eye-protective compound lutein.
How to Select a Healthy Cereal : There is a dizzying array of cereals to choose from these days with new arrivals on the grocery shelves almost weekly. Some are great for you while others are nutritional disasters. For a guaranteed healthy choice – simply refer to the Nutrition Facts box and select cereals that […]
If the hamster wheel of unpleasant thoughts, better known as negative rumination, is weighing you down, taking a daily dose of probiotics may lighten the load and brighten your mood. In an intriguing new clinical trial, researchers provided 20 healthy subjects a daily dose of a multispecies probiotic for four weeks and a matched group of 20 […]
Here is my best guidance for doing your protein right when dining out: Seafood including fish or shellfish are excellent choices because they provide healthy omega 3 fats and negligible saturated fats. Americans are not consuming optimal amounts of seafood, so this would be my top recommendation for a healthy protein. Of course do not even […]