Dr. Ann

  The perils of eating too much salt extend far beyond high blood pressure. That was the conclusion of a new, systematic review undertaken to assess the impact of diets high in sodium on key areas of bodily function. According to research noted in the study, excess salt (sodium) essentially functions as a toxin in […]

Losing as little 30 minutes of sleep during the weekdays can have major consequences for body weight and metabolic function. That was the upshot of a new study recently presented at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society.For this evaluation, 522 patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes completed seven-day sleep diaries, and their weekday sleep debt […]

Popeye loved his spinach and his Olive Oil and you should too. In a study including 30,000 Italian women followed for about 8 years, those who reported eating at least 1 serving of dark leafy greens a day were 46% less likely to develop heart disease versus those who ate two or less servings a […]

  For those who enjoy the enhanced flavor marinating meats imparts, this study gives us an additional reason to engage in this culinary practice – much safer food. In line with other studies, researchers found that marinating meats prior to cooking at high temperatures dramatically reduces the formation of a class of cancer-causing compounds known […]

According to a study, so called “normal weight obesity” is rampant in America.  “Normal weight obesity” refers to people whose weight is normal for their size, but who have clinically significant excess body fat. Specifically, greater than 20% body fat for men and 30% for women.  After evaluating data on 2,127 adults participating in a […]

In a remarkable testament to the personal power we all hold to control our health destiny, scientists recently determined that four out of five heart attacks could be prevented by healthy living. For this study, researchers carefully followed the diets and lifestyle practices of 20,721 Swedish men between the ages of 45-79 over an 11-year […]

Of all the things you could do to improve your health and quality of life, eating a healthy diet is right at the top of the list. In fact, I do not know of any other strategy in all of modern day health and biomedical science (except possibly exercise) that comes close to providing the […]

  In addition to packing on the pounds, drinking soda may accelerate aging too. In an eye-opening and first-of-its-kind evaluation, scientists found that regular soda drinkers had significantly shorter telomeres than study subjects who drank soda sparingly or less. Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that are considered the most accurate […]

Over the past few years a slew of studies has linked prolonged sitting to cardiovascular disease and premature death. Now for the first time, scientists have some concrete experimental evidence that sheds light on how sitting actually harms the heart and arteries.  For this study, scientist had a group of healthy, non-obese men sit continuously for three […]

Want an easy way to reduce your food cravings? Eat your breakfast and make sure it is rich in protein! In a clinical trial that set out to determine if eating breakfast could modulate food cravings, scientist have some encouraging news. Relative to skipping breakfast, study subjects who ate breakfast experienced less intense cravings for high-risk sugary […]

If you constantly reinforce to yourself how good a food is to your health and partake in it regularly– over time it tastes better and better. Try it to see for yourself!

Thankfully, an enormous body of solid science supports that there are a variety of eating styles from vegan to Mediterranean to omnivorous that can lead to optimal health. That is, if the following two ESSENTIAL features are regularly adhered to: Eating unprocessed or minimally processed real foods that are as close as possible to their natural state. Eating predominately […]