TV lovers be forewarned – watching the tube may increase your risk of premature death and appears to be especially hard on the heart. Australian researchers monitored the television viewing habits of over 8,000 adults and found that those who viewed greater than 4 hours a day had a 46% higher risk of death from […]
Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly of all types of cancer and a jolting new report revealed a strong association between very modest intakes of soda and this lethal cancer. Investigators followed 60,524 adults over a 14 year period and found those who consumed two or more sodas per week were 87% […]
Researchers who followed over 8,000 US 4 year olds found that regularly engaging in the following 3 activities was associated with a dramatic reduction in obesity risk: eating “family” dinner 5 or more times a week, watching TV less than 2 hours a day, and getting at least 10 ½ hours of nightly sleep. (Pediatrics, […]
The diminutive, yet all-powerful blueberry is a true work horse in terms of fortifying wellness and a new report gives us yet another reason to include them regularly in our diets – maintaining an abundance of healthy bacteria in our colons. Read More >>
Carbs continue to be a source of controversy in many American’s minds. Are you one of the countless Americans suffering from total carb confusion? I suspect many of you are, which is a shame because doing your carbs right is the second most powerful nutritional strategy available to you to protect your health. And when […]
After following 4, 857 US children through adulthood, a first of its kind study determined that being overweight in childhood was the single most powerful predictor of premature death from chronic disease. The children in the top quarter for weight were 230% more likely to die at any earlier age than those in the lowest […]
I am frequently asked what protein powder I recommend and finally I have discovered one that I know is truly “healthy” and that I can whole heartedly endorse – hemp seed powder. It is made from ground hemp seeds so it is a “whole food” protein versus the “isolated” protein in whey, casein, or soy […]
Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates enthusiastically proclaimed, “What is good for the heart is good for the mind.” Now we know he was spot on with these sage words. Studies over the past decades have consistently revealed that if you take good care of your heart and arteries, you get the added bonus of having […]
One of the unhealthiest consequences of having excess body fat, or gaining weight in general, is how it affects the action of insulin, the body’s fuel-storage hormone. When we gain weight, especially in our abdominal areas, complex biochemical changes take place that alter how our cells respond to insulin. Specifically, our cells become less responsive, […]
Healthy eating is both easy and delicious and sharing the joys of living well with as many people as possible is a central theme in my mission. Read on to discover this for yourself as I share 10 simple ways to boost the nutrition of your favorites with great- tasting extras. read more>>
As a woman, the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, and a proud member the board of directors of the Prevent Cancer Foundation , I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health: read more>>
There is a fascinating and growing body of science supporting that what a mother eats during pregnancy can have a significant impact on the risk of her child developing various diseases. A “first of its kind” study from the University of Netherlands looked at how eating different foods during pregnancy affected the risk of eczema […]