The best foods for breast health and prostate health are in! I want to share something specifically for women, as well as something specifically for men: namely the best foods for breast health and the best foods for prostate health. Both breast cancer and prostate cancer risk are significantly impacted by the foods we eat, […]
We have known for a long time that regular aerobic exercise lowers the risk of breast cancer and now we have some wonderful science that shed some powerful light on how regular physical activity benefits breast health. For this study, researchers assigned 391 healthy, but sedentary pre-menopausal women to one of two groups. One group engaged in […]
Eating more nuts and peanut butter during adolescence may prove to be a simple and delicious way to lower future breast cancer risk. In a study that followed the eating habits of over 9,000 pre-teen and teen girls over a 14-year period, those who consumed a daily serving of nuts or peanut butter were 68% […]
As someone who has a strong family history of breast cancer and as a member of Prevent Cancer Foundation‘s scientific advisory board, I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health. Beans/Lentils – This category of food is uniquely high in several nutrients important for breast cancer protection, including fiber, folic acid, and phytoestrogens […]
In an uplifting new report, scientist concluded that a Mediterranean diet high in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) may offer robust protection from breast cancer. For this five year clinical trial, a group of 4,000 women were placed on one of three different diets: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil (>15% of total […]
A study from the University of South Carolina (Epidemiology, May ’07) reported that post-menopausal women who had the highest lifetime consumption (defined as more than once a week) of grilled, barbequed or smoked red meat, had a 47 percent increased risk of breast cancer. Those who combined this habit with a paucity of fruit and […]
October was breast cancer awareness month but we should keep breast cancer fresh in our minds year-around. As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor and an enthusiastic member the Board of Directors of the Prevent Cancer Foundation (, I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health: Beans/Lentils – This category of food is […]
Plant-based diets scored another healthy victory thanks to investigators from Colorado State University. After carefully following the diets of 34,028 Chinese women over 10 years, those who reported eating the most fruit, vegetables, and soy foods lowered their risk of developing breast cancer by 30 percent. The cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels […]
As a woman, the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, and a proud member the board of directors of the Prevent Cancer Foundation , I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health: read more>>