Dr. Ann

In an uplifting new report, scientist concluded that a Mediterranean diet high in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) may offer robust protection from breast cancer. For this five year clinical trial, a group of 4,000 women were placed on one of three different diets: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil (>15% of total […]

If you enjoy eating spicy foods, you will be pleased to hear that this palate preference may also lengthen your life. In a new study that followed the health and diets of over 450,000 Asian study subjects for a median of 7 years, those consuming spicy foods often were less likely to die. Relative to […]

Flavonoids, those plant-based miracle workers of good health score again. This time for slashing the risk of death. For this study, scientists followed the diets and mortality status of 1,063 elderly women for five years. Those consuming the most dietary flavonoids reduced their risk of all-cause mortality by an impressive 60 percent. Translation: Women who consumed […]

If you need another reason to ditch colas for good, both diet and regular, keep reading. Caramel color is a common ingredient in dark colored sodas and past studies have shown that many can contain significant levels of a caramel color byproduct called 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI). 4-MEI has been shown to boost cancer risk in laboratory animals and […]

  For those who enjoy the enhanced flavor marinating meats imparts, this study gives us an additional reason to engage in this culinary practice – much safer food. In line with other studies, researchers found that marinating meats prior to cooking at high temperatures dramatically reduces the formation of a class of cancer-causing compounds known […]

One of the most spectacular scientific advancements of the past two decades has been the realization that we have enormous personal power and control over whether or not we will develop chronic disease.  Thankfully, cancer is no exception.  Based on the latest evidence, about 60% of all cancers could be prevented through diet and healthy lifestyles. Here […]

At this point in science, the only proven means to slow the aging process (at least in laboratory animals) is chronic caloric deprivation.  Indeed, animal studies have shown repeatedly that decreasing caloric intake long term can dramatically slow down the ever-ticking aging clock.  Scientists surmise that the key mechanism is that reducing calories slows metabolism […]

Processed red meat (think bacon, sausage, bologna, etc.) has a long and illustrious rap sheet and boosting colon cancer risk is at the very top of the list. In a ground-breaking new study that included over 18,000 people from around the globe, scientist identified a common gene variant that appears to significantly increase the chances for developing […]

If you are middle-age and love your meat, cheese, and dairy and eat it too, you may be dramatically boosting your risk of premature death, particularly from cancer.  In this eye-opening new report, middle-age study subjects consuming the most animal proteins were four times more likely to die of cancer than study subjects consuming a […]

After completing the most rigorous and comprehensive review of scientific data to date, an expert panel of world-renown cancer experts recommended, “fast foods be consumed sparingly, if at all.” They concluded that limiting calorically dense food, especially fast foods and sugary beverages, was one of the most important steps an individual could take to reduce […]

October was breast cancer awareness month but we should keep breast cancer fresh in our minds year-around. As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor and an enthusiastic member the Board of Directors of the Prevent Cancer Foundation (www.preventcancer.org), I want to share my top food picks for maximizing breast health: Beans/Lentils – This category of food is […]

Plant-based diets scored another healthy victory thanks to investigators from Colorado State University.  After carefully following the diets of 34,028 Chinese women over 10 years, those who reported eating the most fruit, vegetables, and soy foods lowered their risk of developing breast cancer by 30 percent.  The cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels […]