Here are 5 superstar foods that I bet you do not include in your diet as often as you should! Canned pumpkin – 100% canned pumpkin (I love the Libby’s brand) is second only to dark leafy greens in terms of the nutrients it provides per unit calorie. It offers super-high (more than any other […]
When it comes to blood pressure and stroke risk, even “a little bit above normal” may be deadly. Strokes are the 4th leading cause of death and based on a review of 12 previous studies, folks with blood pressures in the upper prehypertension range (130-139 systolic and 85-89 diastolic) had a 79 percent greater risk […]
Based on the latest science, the single most powerful predictor of functionality in older age is strength capacity. Let me repeat – as we age, maintaining muscular strength is the most important factor in maintaining independence. Unfortunately, the average person becomes more sedentary with age which accelerates the loss of muscles mass and strength that […]
Eat more beans! I consider beans the most underutilized and under-appreciated economical superfood. Here are some tips to help you succeed in eating more of them. Keep them “top of mind” with the goal of including a serving each day. Know that canned beans are just as nutritious (and often more convenient!) than dried, fresh […]
Plant-based diets are all the rage and deservedly so. Studies continue to pour in supporting the power they bestow to keep us healthy and disease free. This month we have two new, big ones to add to the list. In the first, scientists followed the diets and health status of over 10,000 US adults from […]
As dairy foods go – low-fat, plain yogurt is a superstar standout. I want you to include it in your diet regularly. Here are 3 big reasons why you should: Yogurt is the richest and most bio-available source of calcium of any food. An 8oz serving provides 30-40 percent of your daily calcium requirements. In […]
I’ll never forget the medical mission my family and I went on in Peru (which included a 28 mile hike to Machu Picchu on the ancient Inca trail) and how it gave me a renewed appreciation for fitness, Mother Earth, and quinoa! Commonly considered a grain, but actually a protein-rich seed, quinoa was revered as ” […]
The advice to eat “an apple a day” got a huge boost thanks to a study whose healthy results even shocked the lead investigator. For this study, 160 middle age to older women were randomly assigned to eat either 75 grams of dried apples a day or 75 grams of prunes a day for a […]
The huge ecosystem of microorganisms that reside in your gastrointestinal tract (your microbiome) largely define your health destiny. Think of them as your most valuable partner in health and healing. What defines a “healthy microbiome” is having a broad array and an abundance of “good” bacteria in your gut – diversity and high numbers. The […]
In a review of 11 published studies including 247,510 adults, researchers concluded that consuming potassium rich foods was associated with significant stroke prevention. People who consumed 1.64 grams or more of potassium a day (equivalent to 5 servings of fruits and veggies) were 21 percent less likely to have a stroke than those getting the […]
I always include 1 cup (that’s 2 servings) of fruit at breakfast. Most often, frozen berries or frozen berries with banana, kiwi, pear, or apple. I always include 1 ½ cups of veggies at lunch (that’s about 2 – 2 ½ servings). I most often have a combination of leftover dinner veggies and a fresh […]
I am a big believer in simple visuals for staying on track with healthy eating and was thrilled when the USDA adopted the “My Plate” icon to replace the confusing and essentially useless “food pyramid.” When I sit down to order a meal, I always aspire to create the “perfect plate” – with one-half of […]