Breakfast options are notoriously unhealthy across all major fast food chains. Bacon, sausage, cheese, and more cheese, biscuits, gravy, pancakes, French toast, hash browns, cinnamon buns, Danishes, and white flour bagels, and English muffins, are not on Dr. Ann’s approved list of breakfast foods. Even the token offerings of seemingly “healthy” choices like yogurt parfaits […]
The disease-busting credentials of stone fruits just received a huge boost thanks to new research from Texas A&M. In a series of lab experiments, scientists found that stone fruits, which include peaches, plums, and nectarines, contain a unique compliment of plant compounds that each provide a separate molecular pathway to counter the various metabolic derangements […]
In a stunning confirmation of the health-boosting power of weight loss, researchers recently determined that shedding even a modest amount of weight can pay lasting health dividends. As part of the landmark Diabetes Prevention Program study, 3,000 overweight subjects with pre-diabetes were counseled to improve the healthfulness of their diets and engage in regular physical […]
This uniquely flavored Indian spice is both a culinary and a disease-busting treasure. In addition to adding flavorful intrigue to our foods, curry powder is revered for its bountiful supply of the golden yellow pigment called curcumin. Curcumin is arguably the most potent anti-inflammatory fighter in Mother Nature’s arsenal. Given that excess inflammation plays a […]
After immersing human tooth enamel in a broad range of sports drinks and energy drinks several times a day – dental researchers observed irreversible tooth enamel erosion after just five days. Both beverages are highly acidic and acids in beverages are known to erode tooth enamel. (General Dentistry May/June 2012) From 2001 to 2009, the […]
In addition to solid evidence that eating fast food promotes weight gain and obesity, it appears this infamous form of industrial food may also dramatically boost the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. For this new study, University of Minnesota researchers followed the dietary habits of 52,000 Singapore residents over a 16 year […]
Beans (any variety) 100% pumpkin puree Salmon (red sockeye best) Tomato products (any variety – paste, sauce, diced, etc.; low sodium best) Tuna (chunk lite for children and women of child-bearing years) Related: 10 Foods Always Found in my Fridge [ARTICLE] 15 Things Always in my Kitchen Cupboard [ARTICLE]
If you want to get the most health value from your salad veggies with the least amount of added fat, reach for an olive oil or canola oil based-salad dressing. Both provide heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and a nifty new study found that monounsaturated fat-based salad dressings achieved the greatest absorption of healthy carotenoids for the least […]
It is widely recognized that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil are good for the heart, but many people are unaware of the additional goodness provided by this flavorful oil’s rich array of super-charged antioxidant chemicals called polyphenols. These special chemicals have exhibited all sorts of dazzling benefits in the laboratory and now we have […]
The alarms linking calcium supplements with a greater risk of cardiovascular events just got significantly louder. Several recent studies have raised concerns that calcium supplements may elevate cardiovascular risk, and a large new study published in the journal Heart adds to this fear. For this evaluation investigators followed almost 24,000 middle age adults for an average of […]
CSA stands for “community supported agriculture” and thankfully, this new system for procuring farm fresh local produce is becoming more and more accessible. As a member of a CSA, you pay an upfront subscription to a local farm to receive a weekly or biweekly box of fresh produce. Before I had my own vegetable garden, […]
Evidence is quickly mounting that when you eat and the timing of your meals may be as important as what and how much you eat. In a fascinating new laboratory study, scientists found that lab rats that consumed high fat food over a restricted period of 8 hours a day gained significantly less weight and […]