Dr. Ann

I am a big believer in simple visuals for staying on track with healthy eating and was thrilled when the USDA adopted the “My Plate” icon to replace the confusing and essentially useless “food pyramid.” When I sit down to order a meal, I always aspire to create the “perfect plate” – with one-half of […]

If you are looking for a tasty, healthy, and highly effective way to quiet your hunger and eat less—look to beans. In a placebo-controlled clinical trial that pitted bean-based meals head to head with meat-based meals, beans came out on top. For this study, investigators fed 43 young men three different test meal burgers, each […]

The right proteins are a powerful ally in your pursuit of optimal health and my standard advice for making the best protein choices just got a big boost on the healthy heart front.  After following the diets of over 84,000 women for 26 years, Harvard investigators determined that eating red meat and full-fat dairy products […]

Make a delicious breakfast that will keep your stomach (and your brain!) happy all day. If you want optimal appetite control over the course of the day, be sure to include a nice dose of healthy protein with your breakfast meal. My top picks for healthy breakfast proteins include: Raw or roasted nuts Nut butters – […]

Available fresh from early summer to the late fall, usually available frozen, and always available canned – wild salmon is one of the healthiest protein packages on earth.  This delectable fish is virtually exploding with almighty omega 3 fats along with several key nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, B vitamins, and vitamin D (think heart health, […]

Ground poultry, like “ground turkey”, can have just as much fat as standard ground beef. Always choose ground turkey breast or ground chicken breast. They provide the least fat and calories. Many brands are 99% fat-free. RELATED Enjoy the Other Proteins from the Sea [VIDEO] Meats from Bad to Worse [VIDEO]

Shrimp, clams, oysters, scallops and lobster offer a delectable and super-healthy alternative to meat proteins that are low in calories and have hardly any bad fat.  Shellfish are brimming with nourishment too including B vitamins, vitamin D, and those awesome omega 3 fats. They are rich in an array of important minerals and provide more […]

Oily fish is nature’s most abundant source of long-chained omega 3 fatty acids, currently considered the Queen of the healthy fats.  It also happens to be nature’s only food that provides a hefty dose of vitamin D, the current King of vitamins. “Oily” fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and lake trout.  To view a […]