If you love eating your nuts like I do, you will be pleased to hear that nuts’ health credentials just received another notable accolade-cancer protection. For this first-of-its-kind evaluation scientists pooled the results of 36 previously published studies including more than 30,000 study subjects. Overall, consuming nuts was associated with a lower risk of cancer with the […]
The perils of eating too much salt extend far beyond high blood pressure. That was the conclusion of a new, systematic review undertaken to assess the impact of diets high in sodium on key areas of bodily function. According to research noted in the study, excess salt (sodium) essentially functions as a toxin in […]
Popeye loved his spinach and his Olive Oil and you should too. In a study including 30,000 Italian women followed for about 8 years, those who reported eating at least 1 serving of dark leafy greens a day were 46% less likely to develop heart disease versus those who ate two or less servings a […]
According to a study, so called “normal weight obesity” is rampant in America. “Normal weight obesity” refers to people whose weight is normal for their size, but who have clinically significant excess body fat. Specifically, greater than 20% body fat for men and 30% for women. After evaluating data on 2,127 adults participating in a […]
At this point in science, the only proven means to slow the aging process (at least in laboratory animals) is chronic caloric deprivation. Indeed, animal studies have shown repeatedly that decreasing caloric intake long term can dramatically slow down the ever-ticking aging clock. Scientists surmise that the key mechanism is that reducing calories slows metabolism […]
Processed red meat (think bacon, sausage, bologna, etc.) has a long and illustrious rap sheet and boosting colon cancer risk is at the very top of the list. In a ground-breaking new study that included over 18,000 people from around the globe, scientist identified a common gene variant that appears to significantly increase the chances for developing […]
Walnuts are crunchy, delicious, and oh-so-good for heart health. It is clearly established that walnuts lower cholesterol levels, but scientists recently set out to take a more in-depth look into other ways walnuts may shine for cardiovascular health. For this evaluation, scientist fed study subjects a single feeding of walnuts, walnut oil, walnut skin, and de-fatted walnut meal […]
The “Mediterranean Diet” has already garnered a sparking and well-deserved reputation as the champion of all heart-healthy diets, and it just won a scientific grand slam. In this landmark evaluation, researchers placed almost 7,500 older adults with risk factors for heart disease on one of three diet plans – a Mediterranean diet where most of […]
Trans fats – This truly toxic man-made fat provides a quadruple insult to your arteries – clogging them more readily than any other food ever identified. Trans fats boost LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower HDL (good) cholesterol, elevate triglycerides, and incite damaging inflammation in your arteries. Strictly avoid them by staying away from stick margarine, shortening, […]
Study after study after study has linked drinking sugary beverages to a host of modern day ills. And here is another one. In an evaluation involving thousands of adults of various ethnicities, middle-aged women who reported drinking two or more sugary beverages (like soda, fruit drinks, sports drinks, etc) daily were almost four times more likely to […]
According to scientific projections presented at the recent Annual American Heart Association Meeting (AHA Scientific Session November 16, 2011 Orlando, FL), Americans are on the fast track to catastrophic health consequences as a result of unhealthy living. Based on the researcher’s analysis, 83 percent of men and 72 percent women will be overweight or obese […]
There were several new studies from the past few weeks supporting the importance of sleep for both general health and body weight. According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (December, 2007), adults with chronic health problems like heart disease and diabetes that reported less than 7 hours of sleep each night […]