Dr. Ann

Although they quite literally bring us to tears, the organosulfur phytochemicals unique to onions and the other members of the allyl food group (garlic, leeks, chives, and scallions) are truly medicinal in their power to protect our health. Red onions are the true superstar standout of this bunch however, as they are uniquely high in […]

Popeye loved his spinach and his olive oil and you should too. In a study including 30,000 Italian women followed for about 8 years, those who reported eating at least 1 serving of dark leafy greens a day were 46% less likely to develop heart disease versus those who ate two or less servings a […]

This refreshing fruit is at its yearly prime and thankfully is bursting with nutritional prowess.  Along with a concentrated dose of immune-boosting vitamin C, oranges provide a generous offering of folate, fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin A.  This nutrient profile sings heart-health, but oranges stellar package of cancer-fighting phytochemicals is even sweeter music for your health.  Enjoy […]

Sweet, juicy, and so delicious – peaches are a reservoir of healthy goodness. A cup of this fruit has only 60 calories and provides a super sweet blast of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and potent antioxidant carotenoids. We already know that peaches are great for heart health, but they may prove to be most beneficial for […]

Spring has sprung and so have those delectable asparagus spears.  Like other green vegetables, asparagus are chock full of nutrients, providing 20 different vitamins and minerals including a huge dose of folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A.  This terrific trio makes them particularly valuable for heart health, healthy pregnancy, and keeping the immune system in good […]