Dr. Ann

According to the scientific data, the long term success of “diets” for weight loss is truly abysmal. In fact, “dieting” has been identified as a risk factor for future weight gain.  A report in Psychosomatic Medicine provides a viable explanation for these discouraging findings. For the first time in humans, researchers documented that restricting calories […]

Stretching or engaging in flexibility exercises is an under-appreciated and underutilized means to improve the quality of your life! Here are five reasons to do it: Less back and joint pain Superior muscle health Better athletic performance Greater range of motion Improved circulation Yoga is a great example of a flexibility practice I really enjoy. […]

Shake, shake—that may be all it takes to turn up fat burning. Past studies have linked cinnamon to healthier metabolism so a curious group of scientists decided to dig a bit deeper. For this study, they exposed the fat cells taken from a broad range of study subjects, including those of various weights and health […]

Learning to be mindful during eating is a proven means to eat less (in some studies up to 50% less!) and at the same time reduce stress while improving the pleasure of the dining experience. Here are the best ways to incorporate the proven power of mindfulness into your daily eating. Reserve eating just for […]

Fat is what gives our foods flavor, and if you know exactly which oils to select, you get the best of both worlds —great tasting food that guards your health too. Remember, it is the type of fat in your diet that really matters. Your goals are to bring in the make-me-healthier fats (monounsaturated and […]

              Wild, organic blueberries or mixed berries A variety of bulk raw nuts Fresh frozen fish Packaged spinach Packaged peas Packaged shelled edamame Packaged organic chicken breast and thighs Frozen butter beans 100% whole grain corn tortillas Ground flax seed  

Fiber has a long list of health benefits. Here are the best ways to get more of this special compound in your daily diet. Consume as many fruits and veggies as possible. The superstars for fiber content include berries (raspberries #1), snow peas, apples, canned tomato products, pumpkin, cauliflower, avocado, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, Brussels […]

Appetite control is the Holy Grail for weight control.  Here are 3 simple and delicious ways to help you eat less.   ???? Dig the Power of Protein. Protein is nature’s diet pill – providing longer lasting appetite suppression than either fats or carbs. Include some healthy (lean) protein at every meal. The right dose […]

Vitamin D is a critically important nutrient for optimal health. Here is my best advice for achieving and maintaining a healthy blood level. Get regular prudent, SAFE sun exposure. Even a few minutes a day with arms and /or legs exposed in warmer months will suffice. Regularly consume foods containing vitamin D—oily fish like salmon […]

In a laboratory evaluation, scientists have preliminary evidence that prebiotics, dietary fibers that feed the good bacteria in our guts, may benefit sleep and stress resiliency. For this lab study scientists fed one group of mice a diet enriched with prebiotics and a control group of mice the same diet without the prebiotics. The researchers […]

The only type of yogurt (or kefir) I recommend is plain and I recently discovered a delicious and healthy way to sweeten it. Take 1/3 to ½ of a diced ripe banana and microwave for 30-40 seconds. This softens it making it really easy to quickly blend into your yogurt and significantly boosts its natural sweet flavor. Try […]

  As the saying goes – “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Shifting more of your daily calories from lunch and/or dinner to breakfast may represent a powerful strategy for slowing the highly predictable middle-age spread. Cambridge scientists followed over 6,700 adults, age 40 to 75, over a […]