Dr. Ann

If you “expect” a food or meal to satisfy you – chances are it will.  Fascinating new research just presented at a scientific meeting on eating behavior found our minds can indeed convince our stomachs that a food or meal will fill us up. Appetite control is the Holy Grail for achieving a healthy body […]

Carotenoids are plant-based pigments known for their robust antioxidant power as well as their brilliant orange to reddish hues. Here are the foods that contain the most carotenoids… Carrots Orange/yellow/red bell peppers Apricots Collard greens Kale Acorn squash Sweet potatoes Spinach Pumpkin Tomatoes (especially canned tomatoes) * The orange hues from the carotenoids in collards, kale and spinach […]

Serves 6 Kale is the healthiest food on the planet. This is a simple recipe that is great for those who want easy cooked greens that are tasty too. Ingredients 2 lbs. kale stems removed and chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp. EVOO ¼ cup water Directions Heat EVOO in skillet over medium- high […]

Maintaining normal metabolic function is at the bedrock for staying healthy and feeling great. Here is the complete list of directives for maintaining, improving or normalizing your metabolic health: Keep your weight in a healthy range (especially belly size) or lose weight if overweight. Exercise most days – a combination of aerobic (brisk walking) and […]

Pumpkin Granola Serves 8 This is a delicious granola that incorporates so many superfoods including canned pumpkin, quinoa, and Chia seeds. My special thank to Keely Morris for sharing this recipe! Ingredients ¼ cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed well and pat dry with paper towel 2 cups rolled oats ¼ cup real maple syrup (or honey) […]

Dr. Ann’s No-Lettuce Salad Recipe Serves 4-6 Who said that salads sans lettuce are not yummy. This crunchy and refreshing salad was a staple pre-dinner salad when my kids were young. We all loved it and you can whip it up in less than 5 minutes. Ingredients 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 yellow bell […]

If you are looking for a tasty and easy way to get even more nutritional oomph from your salad veggies, then look to eggs. That was the conclusion from a study that sought to find out if adding cooked eggs to a salad would increase the absorption of a prized group of veggie-based compounds called carotenoids. For […]

  Weight loss plateaus are a predictable reality for people that lose a significant amount of weight. No matter what type of weight-reduction plan people embark on, usually at around six months, weight loss seems to stall. Weight loss plateaus result from physiologic changes that take place in the body naturally as a part of […]

November 6, 2020 • E-Courses

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  Is regular exercise the real fountain of youth? According to an exciting report, the answer appears to be an energizing YES. For this evaluation, scientists recruited 125 highly fit, regular cyclists aged 55 to 79, including 84 males and 41 females. For comparison, the scientists also recruited 75 healthy older adults and 55 healthy […]

Including a bowl of cereal for breakfast is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to tap into the health-boosting power of whole grains. Eating whole grain cereal may be especially valuable for reducing the risk of high blood pressure. After following over 13,000 male physicians for 16 plus years, scientists found that men […]

Here is my best guidance for doing your protein right when dining out: Seafood including fish or shellfish is an excellent choice because they provide healthy omega 3 fats and negligible saturated fats. Americans are not consuming optimal amounts of seafood, so this would be my top recommendation for a healthy protein. Of course, do not even consider ruining such […]