Dr. Ann

The disease-busting credibility of the famed cruciferous family of veggies just received yet another accolade. Past studies have shown that people who consume more cruciferous veggies are less likely to develop heart attacks and strokes, and for this new study the scientists decided to dig a bit deeper. Specifically, they compared reported levels of cruciferous […]

In a landmark new study that comprises the most comprehensive evaluation to date, scientists have uncovered a set of modifiable risk factors for developing depression. Depression is epidemic in America and is the #1 cause of disability worldwide. Thus, the results of this study are especially timely. For this 2-stage evaluation, the scientists first scanned […]

Popeye loved his spinach and his olive oil and you should too. In a study including 30,000 Italian women followed for about 8 years, those who reported eating at least 1 serving of dark leafy greens a day were 46% less likely to develop heart disease versus those who ate two or less servings a […]

It is now well established that dietary choices affect visual health for better or for worse. Thanks to this evaluation, we can celebrate that eating for vision protection and eating for pleasure can go hand in hand! For this study, scientists followed the vision and diets of over 5,000 adults for a period of 4 […]

We have known for a long time that regular aerobic exercise lowers the risk of breast cancer and now we have some wonderful science that shed some powerful light on how regular physical activity benefits breast health. For this study, researchers assigned 391 healthy, but sedentary pre-menopausal women to one of two groups. One group engaged in […]

If you drink diet soda as a means to cut your calories and control your weight, it is likely failing you. In a report published by researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, overweight adults who drink diet soda consume more food calories and snack more than overweight adults that drink sugary beverages. To […]

Washed, bagged or boxed lettuce greens Fresh salsa (Jack’s brand or Garden Fresh Gourmet) Canned beans Frozen berries (especially large bags of wild organic blueberries – available from wholesale grocers like Costco) Plain low fat or non-fat Greek yogurt Canned pumpkin Canned red sockeye salmon Prepared hummus Canned tomato products Dried Apricots Here is one […]

Although science has been lacking, my instincts have always told me that sunlight has health benefits well beyond its profoundly important role of providing the body with vitamin D. And now we have some concrete, proof-of-principle data to support my health intuition. For this evaluation, researchers from the University of Edinburgh monitored the blood pressure […]

Cook your carrots whole vs. cutting them up.  Cooked carrots have more nutritional value than fresh and cooking them whole boosts their nutritional value even further. I always roast carrots whole-try it, they’re delicious! Eat more canned beans. Canned beans typically have more antioxidant power than fresh, frozen, or home-cooked dried beans. (Reduced sodium is best.) “Flash-thaw” […]

If you love almonds like I do, you will be delighted to learn that this wonder of a superstar food provides significantly fewer calories than previously thought. In a study specifically designed to accurately measure the actual number of “digested and absorbed” calories provided by almonds – scientists found the calorie counts were in reality […]

Be sure these foods make their way into your grocery cart often! A variety of fruit – especially berries, apples, red grapes, cherries, oranges, and plums A variety of vegetables – especially dark leafy greens, red onions, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and red/orange/yellow bell peppers Extra virgin olive oil Herbs and spices – especially ginger, […]

  Sitting down for family meals proves to be a powerful avenue to boost kids’ fruit and vegetable intake. In a study involving over 2000 school-age children, even those sitting down for family meals just once or twice a week consumed significantly more produce than those who never ate together. Relative to children who rarely […]