Dr. Ann

Cultivating a spiritual practice can be a great tool for promoting better health. Spirituality has broad benefits for mental and physical health and plays a vital role in those facing serious illness.  That was the conclusion of the most comprehensive and rigorous review of evidence to date by a 27-member panel of multidisciplinary experts in […]

Eating for brain health is a no brainer when you know the science behind the foods your brain loves. Blueberries are a delicious way to enjoy Mother Nature’s fruits, and yes, they’re great for cognitive power! The Diminutive Berry Scores Again Blueberries score another brain health win! Past studies have indicated that blueberries can improve […]

As a physician and nutrition expert, here are five of my favorite tips for radically improving your diet. Welcome to Make It Happen Monday, your weekly dose from The Healthy Living School. Today I want to share 5 simple and delicious ways to radically–yes, radically–improve your health.  1. Give yourself an “oil change.”  Make  extra […]

Science has determined the best diet for a healthy microbiome. Your microbiome is the gateway to health and healing. Here’s why your gut microbiome matters and the key steps to feeding it right! I cannot stress more emphatically how important it is to “nurture your microbiome” as a primary focus of living a healthy life. Thankfully, […]

The benefits of fermented foods continue to mount. An Exciting Study Fermented foods recently scored a huge scientific victory.  In an elegantly conducted clinical trial by one of the world’s most esteemed microbiome scientists, we learned that stepping up the intake of fermented foods is a quick and highly effective way to boost gut microbial […]

Learn why you should try to include the top prebiotic foods in your diet often! Today I want to educate and inspire you to make a concerted effort to include more prebiotics in your diet. Prebiotics are a special category of dietary fiber that serve as the preferred source of fuel or food for your […]

Too many Americans have high cholesterol. Healthy eating can help you avoid being one of them! The top foods for lowering cholesterol are some of my favorite parts of my diet! Today I want to share my “Top 10 Foods for Lowering Cholesterol” Over HALF of Americans have elevated cholesterol levels so please make note […]

Apparently the sky’s the limit when it comes to physical activity and heart health. In the largest and most accurate study of its type to date, scientists concluded that the more we move, the lower our chances of developing cardiovascular disease —with no ceiling effect, meaning more is better.  For this study the physical activity level […]

Knowing how to throw together a quick healthy lunch is a game changer. Making extra food to have left over is not only smart, it’s a great way to make a gourmet, great-for-you meal in minutes! Today I want to show you how to prepare a quick, simple, nutritionally turbo-charged dish that is one of […]

Beware of these food additives; They are everywhere! An important message for anyone who cares about maintaining lifelong good health. Today I want to be sure you know to beware of emulsifiers! This notoriously common class of food additives are raising major alarms. A slew of recent reports have indicated that emulsifiers radically alter gut bacteria and interfere […]

August 11, 2022 •

The Perils of Processed Foods

Today my passionate plea to you is to GET REAL, meaning stop eating processed foods and eat real foods instead! After all, the first directive of our mantra “ENJOY” is to Eat Real Food!  So, why the sense of urgency here? Because recent reports are telling us that a whopping 61% of the calories consumed […]

Enjoy this healthy asian noodle recipe without the guilt by using bean-based or whole wheat versions. Trust me, they’re delicious! Healthy Asian Noodle Alternatives Most everyone loves noodles–they’re such a comfort food! Thankfully there are lots of healthy choices available nowadays. One of the most improved areas in the grocery store, health-wise, is the pasta […]