Thanks to Vanderbilt researchers, the sparkling reputation of green tea is shining even brighter. In a study that included 75,000 middle-aged and older Chinese women, consuming green tea was associated with significant cancer protection. Those who reported regular green tea consumption (defined as at least 3 times a week) for at least 20 years were […]
Resveratrol, the powerful antioxidant in red wine, has become somewhat of a wonder compound in the laboratory with new studies linking it with a host of remarkable benefits from cancer prevention to slowing the again process. Unfortunately, resveratrol is very poorly absorbed once it enters the gastrointestinal tract, but new research has shown that it […]
A provocative and scary report found that obesity has a “socially contagious” component to it. Meaning – your body weight can impact the body weight of your friends and even your friends’ friends. Now we have some much “lighter” and truly uplifting science that reports happiness is contagious too and that you can make your friends […]
Want a delicious way to live a longer life? Eat more polyphenol-rich foods. Polyphenols are a family of plant-based compounds that have exhibited a broad range of health benefits including lowering inflammation and oxidation in the body, reducing cancer risk, protecting the cardiovascular system, and slowing the aging process. In an interesting study, scientists determined that […]
This diminutive legume is surprisingly powerful on the nutrition front. It is home to a full package of minerals, a big dose of hunger-fighting fiber and protein, and scores of vitamins. Scientists have learned that green peas also contain a unique assortment of powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that show great promise for general health […]
According to Vanderbilt University scientists, having a drink of ordinary water (no designer “vitamin” waters needed!) can make you feel more alert and even kick up your metabolism a bit. Apparently, drinking water stimulates our sympathetic nervous system. The lead researcher calculated that drinking 3 additional 16 ounce glasses of water a day could translate to […]
This is one of my favorite healthy recipes: Healthy Stuffed Bell Peppers Serves 4 These are divine and hearty enough for a main dish. Ingredients Canola pan spray 2 cups chicken broth 1 cup quinoa or brown rice 4 large red bell peppers 1 tbs EVOO 1/2 cup chopped onion 6 oz zucchini, quartered lengthwise […]
In a first of its kind evaluation, scientists have determined that resistance exercise, like lifting weights, may offer profound health benefits, particularly for the heart. For this evaluation, researchers closely followed the exercise habits and health status of 13,000 adults as part of the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study. Study subjects who lifted weights using either […]
This savory vegetable is a striking exception to the “white foods are bad for you” rule. Like its cruciferous cousins, broccoli, cabbage, and kale, cauliflower is a nutrition and cancer-fighting powerhouse. Cauliflower provides a hefty dose of fiber, vitamin C, and folate, but is most prized for its anti-cancer chemicals called glucosinolates and thiocyanates. Here […]
If you want to add years to your life and life to your years, be sure to be physically active in your 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. We already have a mountain of irrefutable science that high fitness levels reduce the risk of premature death, but scientists had never examined how fitness in mid-life may impact […]
Past studies have strongly linked fast food to weight gain, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, and based on this evaluation it seems we may also need to add depression to this list. In a long-term study that involved over 8,500 study subjects, those who consumed the most fast food (hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza) were […]
A systematic review of 11 controlled studies that included 833 study subjects concluded that exercising outdoors offers significant benefits for the body and the mind. Relative to indoor exercise, being physically active in a natural environment was associated with numerous advantages including a greater lift in mood, stronger feelings of revitalization, better clarity of thought, […]