If you want more life, eat more fruits and veggies, especially veggies! That is the conclusion from a large study that followed the eating habits of over 65,000 British adults over a 12-year period. Study subjects who consumed the most fruits and veggies, in this case seven or more servings a day, were 42 percent less likely […]
Want to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep and boost your daytime effectiveness? Get up and move! A wonderful report that carefully and accurately measured the study subject’s daily physical activity found a striking relationship between physical activity levels and sound, effective sleep. Specifically, those who engaged in 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous […]
Want an easy way to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and premature death? Stand up. In a powerful new review study that loudly echoes what previous studies have shown – simply taking a stand may be one of the most life-changing and life-saving of all simple maneuvers. This new analysis, which combined […]
Soluble fiber is great for you! This indigestible form of plant carbohydrate has many health benefits including: lowering cholesterol, stabilizing insulin and glucose levels, promoting satiety, and protecting against belly fat accumulation. Here are the foods that provide the most soluble fiber: Beans (any variety) Peas Barley Flax seeds Chia seeds Oats Oat bran Avocado Carrots […]
In an “enlightening” scientific study, scientists found that people much prefer the golden glow imparted by eating lots of carotenoid-rich vegetables versus sun-tanned skin. It is well-known that the yellow/orange/red carotenoid pigments found in produce like sweet potatoes, carrots and tomatoes can build up in your skin if you eat them regularly. In this particular […]
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An evaluation undertaken to assess the impact of diet patterns on the development of hip arthritis found fruits and vegetables were generally protective with the allium group of veggies showing the most effectiveness. The study included a careful assessment of the dietary habits of over 1,000 subjects along with x-ray analysis of their joints. The […]
Maintaining a healthy and abundant ecosystem of bacteria in your gut is paramount for all aspects of good health, particularly gastrointestinal, metabolic, immune, and brain health. And the surest way to get there is to consume plentiful amounts of fiber-rich, plant-based foods because these are the foods that feed them. Beneficial gut bacteria are especially fond of […]
Garlic, onions, and shallots are some of my favorite culinary gems! Use more garlic, onions, and shallots in your cooking as an easy way to boost their healthfulness, flavor, and mouthfeel. These essentially zero-calorie foods are super high in beneficial plant compounds including a unique group known as kokumi substances. Kokumi agents enhance food’s natural […]
Get into the simple, tasty and super-healthy habit of adding herbs to your summer favorites. Herbs add flavorful intrigue to almost any dish (which means we can cut back on added fats, sauces, and salt) and are virtually exploding with a seemingly endless array of beneficial phytochemicals. Here are my favorites: Parsley – This refreshing […]
A compelling body of published studies have repeatedly linked belly fat (visceral fat), particularly in middle age, to a greater risk of dementia. Thanks to a series of carefully conducted lab studies in mice, for the first time scientists have identified at least one specific way belly fat damages brain cells. Here is what they […]
Low vitamin D status may be a driving factor in the risk of death from covid-19 infection. That was the conclusion of a large statistical analysis led by researchers at Northwestern University. Spurred by the unexplained disparate death rates from one country to another, the researchers looked at vitamin D status as a plausible factor. They […]