Dr. Ann

In what is perhaps the most telling (no screaming) data I have ever come across affirming how life-zapping and disease-promoting  excess body fat can really be, Harvard researchers report that women who gain weight in mid-life are dramatically more likely to enter the golden years burdened with chronic disease and disability than their lean counterparts. […]

The Mediterranean Diet hit another healthy home run with 2 new studies adding to its long and successful record on the disease-fighting front.  A slew of former studies have established this delicious dietary pattern (high in plant foods, fish, olive oil, moderate in red wine, and low in meat) as beneficial for heart health, cancer […]

The National Weight Control Registry, the largest on-going study of triumphant dieters, has identified regular exercise as one of a handful of common denominators in those who succeed in keeping lost weight off for the long run.  A fascinating new report (American Journal of Physiology, Sept 09) shed some powerful, really bright and happy light […]

Restrict the Great White Hazards – white flour products, white rice, white potatoes, and sugar/sweets.  They drive your blood sugar down quickly which triggers sugar cravings. Avoid artificial sweeteners.  These exquisitely sweet agents keep your inner cookie monster primed and ready. Eat regularly – 3 meals a day with a mid-afternoon snack and be sure […]

Through the ages, vinegar has enjoyed a rich and colorful position as an agent of folk medicine and intriguing new science supports that it may be of particular benefit on the weight control front.  Past studies have already shown that it attenuates the glycemic response (rise in blood glucose) when consumed with carb foods (which […]

Here are some quick highlights from a number of cool, new studies on the weight loss front: High intensity aerobic exercise is effective for reshaping body contour. (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Oct 08).  If you want to “spot” reduce your waistline, high intensity workouts appear to do the trick.  Spinning has definitely […]

Of all the radical changes in the modern American diet compared to that consumed by our hunter-gatherer ancestors, our record consumption (3 fold increase since 1970!) of sweetened beverages (soda, sports drinks, etc.) is arguably the most profound and tops my list as one of the most high risk of all our unhealthy habits.  Sweetened […]

Given our toxic food culture, cultivating self-discipline on the eating front is an invaluable practice. According to an intriguing new study, keeping “some” high-risk, tempting foods in your midst is an effective means to build will power.  Investigators found that study subjects who had been previously tempted by forbidden foods exercised more self-restraint when offered […]

A landmark, new report confirms something I have strongly suspected for some time, and should have profound implications for our approach to combating the crushing burden the obesity epidemic continues to place on our society.  Reporting at the European Congress on Obesity (Amsterdam, May 09), scientists determined that the meteoric uptick in our obesity rates […]

A novel study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Feb 08)gives us all more reasons to eat more whole grains. Investigators from Penn State University placed 50 obese adults with at least one risk factor for heart disease on a calorie restricted diet for 12 weeks. Half of the group was instructed to consume whole […]

• Fish (especially oily fish) • Shellfish • Skinless poultry • Beans • Wild game • Soy • Omega 3 eggs • Nuts / seeds • Low-fat dairy products

1. I make a constant, conscious effort to control the amount of food that is placed before me – i.e. I always control my portions! A visual guide that I find very useful is to never (with the exception on non-starchy veggies) consume more than my two hands cupped together at any one sitting. 2. […]