Looking for a delectable way to sharpen your mind? Dark chocolate may be just what the doctor ordered! In a hot-off-the-press review that included the findings from 49 previously published studies – scientists noted a slew of cognitive benefits that resulted after the ingestion of cocoa flavanols, potent antioxidants found in dark chocolate and cocoa. […]
Chocolate Banana Oatmeal Serves 1 This recipe is decadently delicious and great for you. It is my breakfast of choice on a chilly winter morning. Kids will love it too. Ingredients A single serving of quick cooking steel cut oats. (now available in a few brands from the standard grocer) ½ large ripe banana or […]
Chocolate and dessert lovers rejoice! I have a recipe for a healthy chocolate sundae that will have your mouths watering. Simply take 2 scoops of “Purely Decadent” brand coconut milk ice cream (vanilla bean or coconut flavor) and smother it with 2 ounces of melted 72% (or higher) dark chocolate (I like Ghiradelli’s “Midnight Reverie”), and […]
I recently reviewed all of the studies I had in my files related to dark chocolate, and I am happy to report the following science-based health benefits: Enhances blood flow, including blood flow to the heart and brain Lowers blood pressure Improves the function and health of blood vessels Lowers triglycerides Raises HDL (good) cholesterol […]
Are you looking for more sweet reasons to include dark chocolate in your diet regularly? If so, you will be pleased to know that a new scientific review of 42 former clinical trials supports my strongly held notion that dark chocolate is truly a healthy dessert. In this new report, several benefits were attributed to […]
Chocolate and dessert lovers rejoice! I have a recipe for a healthy chocolate sundae that will have your mouths watering. 2 scoops of “Purely Decadent” brand coconut milk ice cream (vanilla bean or coconut flavor), smothered with 2 ounces of melted 72% cacao, or higher, dark chocolate (I like Ghiradelli’s “Midnight Reverie”), and topped with […]
Cardiovascular disease and other heart-related ailments are as rampant as ever amongst Americans. Protect your heart, and include these superstar foods in your diet regularly. Roasted soy nuts – This crunchy, nutty, great-tasting whole soy food is loaded with heart-healthy goodness including B vitamins, vitamin E, omega 3 fats, and soluble fiber. Whole soy foods […]