Dr. Ann

Eating fewer overall calories with more fruits and vegetables is not only healthy; it can be life-changing and delicious, too! Just follow these simple steps to success. – “Volumize” your meals and snacks with as many high- fiber, high- water fruits and vegetables as possible. The best choices include the following: Fruits—berries, cherries, plums, any whole […]

Feed the good bacteria in your gut and reap glorious rewards. That was the upshot of an important new study culminating from several years of research. For this study researchers put a group of type 2 diabetics on one of two diet protocols. Group one was placed on a standard diabetes diet and group two […]

Fiber has a well-deserved and sparkling reputation as a key defense against our most dreaded chronic diseases, but fighting fat is where it shines most brilliantly. In fact, I consider fiber the most under-utilized and under-appreciated  “secret weapon” for weight and appetite control. Fiber is a superhero when it comes to fighting fat. Here are […]

  All types of apples are standout fruits for weight control, but green apples (Granny Smith varieties) may turn out to be the cream of the crop. Scientists have known that apples in general are home to an abundance of non-digestible plant fibers that “feed” the good bacteria in our guts. This is notable because […]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFSdqS6eBl4&t=3s How does this method of cooking vegetables make them so epically delicious? Roasting vegetables naturally concentrates their inherent sweetness and flavor, while taming their bitter essence that can be a turnoff to many palates. Trust me – a roasted veggie has an entirely different flavor profile than a steamed one! If you’re a parent […]

1. Dark chocolate is a highly concentrated source of exceedingly potent antioxidants called flavanols and ranks as one of the most potent of all antioxidant foods. 2. As treats go, dark chocolate is a surprisingly good source of fiber. In fact, if you choose the right dark chocolate, for every gram of sugar in your “healthy” dark […]

Eating an abundance and variety of veggies is arguably the surest way to become a biologic fortress and master weight control. In addition to dazzling your taste buds, salads offer an unprecedented opportunity to tap into the health virtues of veggies, fully exploiting this remarkable food group so you can feel full without filling out. […]

Like true nuts, peanuts (which are actually legumes) can rightfully claim superstar food status. In a new report that followed the diets and health status over a five to twelve year period of more than 200,000 racially diverse adult study subjects, those consuming the most peanuts were up to 21 percent less likely to die […]

Kiwis are one of the most nutritious of all fruits.  One kiwi provides an entire days worth of vitamin C along with a nice dose of fiber, potassium, folate, and antioxidant phytochemicals .

Diet has a profound impact on the structure, function, and health of our brains. Here are 5 foods your brain loves and why. Salmon: Salmon, particularly wild salmon, is arguably the highest quality protein for brain health. This oily fish is the richest source of the all-important, but difficult to come by omega 3 fats, […]

Normally, white potatoes are on my list of forbidden foods because of their high glycemic response (which means they send your glucose levels up high and fast because of their rapid and easy digestibility). If you have a craving for them, here are 4 simple strategies that you can use to turn this high glycemic […]

Fiber’s credentials as a health hero just received yet another notable accolade– this time for cutting the risk of type 2 diabetes. In a study that followed the diets of over 29,000 Europeans for an average of 11 years, those consuming the most fiber were almost 20 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes vs. […]