Fish may be so valuable for brain health that even a single serving a week may provide profound benefits. In a stunning report presented at a scientific meeting, researchers noted that elderly study subjects who reported eating baked or broiled fish (not fried!) one to four times a week had significantly bigger brains, and were […]
Studies over the past decade have consistently shown that belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is notoriously dangerous. In an evaluation involving over 100,000 adults, researchers found the bigger the belly, the greater the risk of death from any cause. Even study subjects with normal BMI’s, but larger bellies had a higher risk of […]
When it comes to blood pressure and stroke risk, even “a little bit above normal” may be deadly. Strokes are the 4th leading cause of death and based on a review of 12 previous studies, folks with blood pressures in the upper prehypertension range (130-139 systolic and 85-89 diastolic) had a 79 percent greater risk […]
I routinely review 80 plus studies a month related to nutrition and health and this one grabbed my attention like no other. In this meticulously controlled investigation, researchers had 39 healthy normal weight adult men and women purposely eat 750 extra fat calories a day for seven weeks with the goal of gaining 3% of […]
Over the past 20 years there has been a dramatic uptick in our intake of dietary fructose (largely from high fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners) and 2 studies add to a large swath of others that our health may be taking a beating as a result. In the first evaluation, scientists determined that among […]
It is now firmly established that not all body fat is created equal when it comes to making us sick. Although we may not like the appearance of fat deposited on our arms, legs, hips, and thighs, this fat is a rather benign metabolic slug that basically just its sits there. This is in sharp […]
I am already wildly enthusiastic about berries for health. In a Harvard based study that monitored the eating habits of over 93,000 women for 18 years, those consuming the most berries were 32 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack vs. those consuming the least. Scientists speculate that berries’ robust supply of blue/purple anthocyanin […]
Chronic stress is an underappreciated, yet powerful driver of pathologic weight gain. Chronic stress is a potent driver of ‘toxic’ fat accumulation, and the stress hormone cortisol is the biochemical culprit. When we experience persistent, daily stress over months to years, cortisol levels rise abnormally high and remain chronically elevated. This leads to weight gain, […]
In addition to packing on the pounds, drinking soda may accelerate aging too. In an eye-opening and first-of-its-kind evaluation, scientists found that regular soda drinkers had significantly shorter telomeres than study subjects who drank soda sparingly or less. Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that are considered the most accurate […]
While carrots are notorious for helping to improve your eyesight, they also contain significant nutritional value and help control disease. Learn more about what a superstar carrots are in this short video: Carrots RELATED Carrot Sesame Burgers [RECIPE]
In an analysis of four former studies including a total of 352,384 study subjects, those consuming the most white rice were 27% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes relative to those eating the least. The relationship between white rice and diabetes was especially marked in Asian populations with a 55% higher risk in the […]
Sugary beverages continue to rear their ugly heads on the chronic disease front. Aside from smoking, consuming sugary beverages tops my list of unhealthy habits. Soda has zero nutritional value and has repeatedly been linked to great harm. In a new report that analyzed data from 11 previous studies, researchers concluded that drinking one or […]