Buy your starch staples in volume. There is always superior “value in volume,” and the starches I recommend are some of the very best nutritional buys of the entire grocery store, going for as little as 10 cents per serving. Choose the biggest bags or containers available for your brown rice oatmeal dried beans quinoa […]
Because of the wholesome words commonly used to describe muffin offerings like “bran”, “carrot walnut”, or “cranberry”, these no icing, jumbo cupcakes have a healthier reputation than they deserve. Some come with upwards of 550 calories and ten teaspoons of sugar (which makes a donut seem benign.) Do not be taken by the low-fat options […]
Trans fats – This truly toxic man-made fat provides a quadruple insult to your arteries – clogging them more readily than any other food ever identified. Trans fats boost LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower HDL (good) cholesterol, elevate triglycerides, and incite damaging inflammation in your arteries. Strictly avoid them by staying away from stick margarine, shortening, […]
If you don’t want to lose your mind as you get older, you may want to pay close attention to your carbohydrate consumption. A study from Mayo Clinic researchers found that elderly subjects who consumed the most carb foods and sugars were the most likely to become cognitively-impaired. For the study, researchers followed the diets […]
In honor of National Food Day (today, October 24th), be sure to watch my short video to learn why you should eat your fruits and vegetables. Hint: It’s for the phytochemicals! Click to Watch RELATED Veggies with Healthy Fat [VIDEO] Roasting Veggies [VIDEO]