Dr. Ann

Want to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep and boost your daytime effectiveness? Get up and move! A wonderful report that carefully and accurately measured study subject’s daily physical activity found a striking relationship between physical activity levels and sound, effective sleep. Specifically, those who engaged in 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity […]

We are consuming record amounts of sugars in our diets. Based on the latest scientific reports, the average American consumes 350-475 calories a day of “added” sweeteners. That is the equivalent of 22-30 teaspoons! (“Added” sugars are those that are put into processed foods and beverages – not the “natural” sugars already present in foods […]

This refreshing herb provides vitamin A, potassium, calcium, vitamin C and can boast a higher concentration of flavonoids than any other food! Flavonoids are powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that provide cardiovascular protection, cancer protection and hinder the aging process. Enjoy tabouli regularly – you can make your own or buy it prepackaged. Cedar`s brand […]

I am already wildly enthusiastic about berries for health. In a Harvard based study that monitored the eating habits of over 93,000 women for 18 years, those consuming the most berries were 32 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack vs. those consuming the least. Scientists speculate that berries’ robust supply of blue/purple anthocyanin […]

Consuming too much sodium increases blood pressure and damages your arteries. The average American consumes more than double the amount of recommended sodium. About 80% of the excess sodium in our diets comes from processed and restaurant foods, not the saltshaker on your table. Some restaurant and fast food meals contain more than a day’s […]

For ages now, we have all heard that breakfast is the number one ingredient in the recipe for an energized, productive day.  When it comes to your weight, it is doubly true.  A solid body of science affirms that people who eat breakfast regularly are leaner than those that don’t and much less apt to […]

In an intriguing scientific twist that really grabbed my attention, scientists have uncovered new insight on how the “type of calories” we eat – in this case protein vs. carbs – can have totally different effects on special brain cells involved in wakefulness and metabolism. Housed in our brains are specialized neurons called orexin cells. […]

Here are 4 canned foods that are healthier for you than when fresh! Tomato products, especially tomato paste Any variety of beans 100% pumpkin Corn   Related: Canned Pumpkin [VIDEO] Superfoods for Health and Wellness[ARTICLE]

Like other shellfish, shrimp offers a delectable and highly nutritious alternative to meat proteins. Shrimp is low in calories and saturated fats and brimming with nourishment including B vitamins, vitamin D and a very respectable dose of omega 3 fats. They are rich in an array of important minerals including zinc, selenium, copper, iron and magnesium and contrary […]

All carbonated beverages, including diet brands, are acidic in nature. The acids from carbonated beverages enter your bloodstream and are buffered by calcium. However, if the calcium levels in the bloodstream are inadequate, your bones will supply it. Studies have shown that even modest levels of cola consumption are associated with lower bone mineral density scores. And […]

Walnuts are crunchy, delicious, and oh-so-good for heart health. It is clearly established that walnuts lower cholesterol levels, but scientists recently set out to take a more in-depth look into other ways walnuts may shine for cardiovascular health. For this evaluation, scientist fed study subjects a single feeding of walnuts, walnut oil, walnut skin, and de-fatted walnut meal […]

If you are embarking on healthy behavior change, a first-of-its-kind study suggests that making changes in both your diet and your exercise simultaneously will give you the most bang for your efforts. For this eye-opening intervention study, scientist specifically selected study subjects who felt their busy lifestyles made it very difficult to be healthy. 200 adults with poor […]