Dr. Ann

Enjoy this delicious and healthy recipe for Berry Crumble! Healthy Blueberry Crumble Serves 6 My family loves this dessert for Sunday night! It’s filled with anti-oxidants.  Ingredients 6 cups berries of choice, frozen or fresh ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tsp. cinnamon, divided 2/3 cup whole-wheat flour ½ cup old-fashioned rolled oats […]

A presentation at the International Association for Dental Research reported for the that the citric acid in sports beverages causes significant tooth enamel erosion compromising tooth integrity and predisposing to fissures and cracks. I consider sports beverages a close cousin to soda and never recommend their use except for those engaging in vigorous physical activity […]

All standard teas from the Camellias Sinensis will have caffeine in them.  Contrary to what people think, all varieties including black, green white and oolong have similar amounts. Bag teas generally have a little less than loose leaf.  Unfortunately, the decaffeination process destroys most of the beneficial catechins. For those sensitive to caffeine that still want […]

According to a report in Gastroenterology (July 09), Celiac Disease is 4 times more common in the US than it was during the 1950’s. The disease results from an intolerance to the protein gluten, found in wheat, barley, and rye. When celiac patients consume gluten, they suffer an inflammatory reaction within the small intestine that can lead to a […]

If shedding some weight via exercise is one of your health goals for the New Year and you want to get the most bang for your time, you would be best served to incorporate aerobic vs. resistance exercise. In a study that marks the largest randomized trial ever undertaken to directly quantify changes in body […]

Resveratrol, the powerful antioxidant in red wine, has become somewhat of a wonder compound in the laboratory with new studies linking it with a host of remarkable benefits from cancer prevention to slowing the again process. Unfortunately, resveratrol is very poorly absorbed once it enters the gastrointestinal tract, but new research has shown that it […]

I recently reviewed all of the studies I had in my files related to dark chocolate, and I am happy to report the following science-based health benefits: Enhances blood flow, including blood flow to the heart and brain Lowers blood pressure Improves the function and health of blood vessels Lowers triglycerides Raises HDL (good) cholesterol […]

In a powerful study that tracked the dietary habits of over 200,000 US adults for up to 26 years, apples and blueberries popped off the page as being supreme foods for type 2 diabetes protection. Relative to the lightest blueberry eaters, blueberry lovers (two or more servings a week) were 23 percent less likely to […]

Parsley offers a treasure trove of nutritional goodness for virtually no calories. In addition to delicious flavor, this refreshing herb is a wonderful source of vitamins A, C, K, and folate, along with the minerals iron, calcium, and potassium. What is most special about this healing herb however is its robust supply of flavonoids. Parsley […]

This is one of my favorite healthy recipes: Healthy Stuffed Bell Peppers Serves 4 These are divine and hearty enough for a main dish. Ingredients Canola pan spray 2 cups chicken broth 1 cup quinoa or brown rice 4 large red bell peppers 1 tbs EVOO 1/2 cup chopped onion 6 oz zucchini, quartered lengthwise […]

Eating berries regularly may be one of the easiest and tastiest ways to protect our precious brains. Past studies have already shown that berries exhibit show-stopping antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power – 2 profoundly beneficial factors for brain health. Thanks to a study from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, scientists identified yet another way berries may play a starring […]

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the following forms of produce provide the highest pesticide loads. It will be best for your health to buy the organic versions of these fruits and vegetables. Apples Celery Sweet Bell Peppers Peaches Strawberries Spinach Nectarines (imported) Grapes Green Beans Lettuce Cucumbers Blueberries (domestic) Potatoes Stay tuned for […]