Dr. Ann

Adding salt to prepared food is a learned behavior primarily triggered by seeing and having ready access to a salt shaker. As a simple strategy to reduce your sodium intake, rid your house completely of salt shakers.  If it’s not there, it is not an option. We are currently consuming 50 percent more salt than […]

Oily fish is nature’s most abundant source of long-chained omega 3 fatty acids, currently considered the Queen of the healthy fats.  It also happens to be nature’s only food that provides a hefty dose of vitamin D, the current King of vitamins. “Oily” fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and lake trout.  To view a […]

As our scientific understanding of the fundamental importance of vitamin D for broad-spectrum health protection has dramatically risen over the past two decades, unfortunately our blood levels have gone in the opposite direction.  Researchers reported in the March issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine that 3 of every 4 Americans have insufficient blood levels […]

Assuming you are a non-smoker, engaging in regular physical activity is the most powerful thing you can do to protect your health and a hot-off-the-press report confirms a simple means to gauge whether your effort is enough to reap the extraordinary benefits. The latest guidelines urge all adults to engage in 30 to 60 minutes […]

A novel study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Feb 08)gives us all more reasons to eat more whole grains. Investigators from Penn State University placed 50 obese adults with at least one risk factor for heart disease on a calorie restricted diet for 12 weeks. Half of the group was instructed to consume whole […]

1. I make a constant, conscious effort to control the amount of food that is placed before me – i.e. I always control my portions! A visual guide that I find very useful is to never (with the exception on non-starchy veggies) consume more than my two hands cupped together at any one sitting. 2. […]

A recent review of the latest studies evaluating garlic’s beneficial effects on blood pressure provided some real artery-opening results. After combining the data from 11 separate clinical trials, researchers found that garlic indeed packs an impressive blood pressure – lowering punch. For folks in the studies that had high blood pressure, the garlic reduced the […]

I was recently reintroduced to the Chia Seed (yes, the same seeds we used to grow grass on plaster “Chia Pets” with) and I have to say I am quite impressed. Like all seeds, they are jam-packed with nutrients including protein, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, but they have a few unique features that qualify […]

I consider extra virgin olive oil a superstar food for both sensory pleasure and health protection, and a fascinating new study in the October issue of Cell Metabolism provided yet another reason to make this delicious fat your oil of choice, namely better appetite control.  Olive oil is chock full of heart-happy monounsaturated fats and […]

According to a powerful new study – the largest such study ever, middle aged to elderly men can slash their risk of premature death from all causes in half simply by taking a brisk, 30 minute walk at least 4 to 6 days a week.  The investigators calculated the fitness levels of over 15,000 adult […]

There were several new studies from the past few weeks supporting the importance of sleep for both general health and body weight.  According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (December, 2007), adults with chronic health problems like heart disease and diabetes that reported less than 7 hours of sleep each night […]