Dr. Ann

Avocado lovers rejoice! Replacing fresh avocado for refined carbs appears to be a delicious way to reduce hunger, boost fullness and improve blood glucose and insulin levels. For this study researchers had 31 overweight study subjects consume one of three test meals on three separate occasions. All of the test meals contained the same number […]

Blueberries owe their deep, blue color to a class of phytochemicals called anthocyanins. Like lycopene, anthocyanins have potent antioxidant power, but they are also true workhorses when it comes to fighting inflammation. Science is now telling us that excessive inflammation plays a major role in the development of a broad range of diseases, including heart […]

This is one of my favorite healthy recipes: Healthy Stuffed Bell Peppers Serves 4 These are divine and hearty enough for a main dish. Ingredients Canola pan spray 2 cups chicken broth 1 cup quinoa or brown rice 4 large red bell peppers 1 tbs EVOO 1/2 cup chopped onion 6 oz zucchini, quartered lengthwise […]

Over the past decade, fiber has garnered a well-deserved sparkling track record for guarding health. To drive sales, the food industry has pounced on the opportunity to exploit fiber’s glowing reputation by adding processed, chemically-extracted fiber, commonly inulin, to the full gamut of processed foods—including cereals, protein bars, yogurt, bread, ice cream, amongst many others. […]

This is a super easy way to make a sweet potato dish that will wow your taste buds! Serves 4-6 3 medium to large sweet potatoes, cut into chunks with skin 1 1/2 tbs chopped fresh thyme 2/3 cups Greek-style plain yogurt Layer the sweet potato chunks on a baking dish and drizzle with a […]

Red bell peppers are an incredible superstar food. Did you know they contain more vitamin C than oranges? Incorporate these delicious, nutrient-packed veggies in your diet regularly with my delicious No-Lettuce Salad Recipe Bon appetit! Dr. Ann’s No-Lettuce Salad Recipe Serves 4-6 Who said that salads sans lettuce are not yummy. This crunchy and refreshing salad was a […]

Bad news, America – Consuming too much salt may damage your brain. That was the eye-opening conclusion from a pivotal lab study. Unfortunately, 90 percent of Americans consume more than the recommended levels of salt in their day-to-day diets, and rates of dementia are steadily rising and expected to reach catastrophic levels in the next […]

Following the resounding affirmation of the failure of low-fat diets to provide health benefits, investigators from the massive Women’s Health Initiative Study report that this boring style of eating is also ineffective for lowering cholesterol levels.  Women in the low-fat arm of this mammoth clinical trial did not experience any favorable changes in their blood lipid […]

… be sure these foods make their way into your grocery cart often! A variety of fruit – especially berries, apples, red grapes, cherries, oranges, and plums A variety of vegetables – especially dark leafy greens, red onions, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and red/orange/yellow bell peppers Extra virgin olive oil Herbs and spices – especially […]

Of all the things you could do to improve your health and quality of life, eating a healthy diet is right at the top of the list. In fact, I do not know of any other strategy in all of modern day health and biomedical science (except possibly exercise) that comes close to providing the […]

In a landmark  report that comprised the “world’s largest diet study” – researchers concluded that the most effective dietary regimen for preventing and treating obesity is one that is relatively high  in lean protein (25% of calories) and low in its glycemic response. (Glycemic response refers to how high and how fast the carbs you […]

Shrimp, clams, oysters, scallops and lobster offer a delectable and super-healthy alternative to meat proteins that are low in calories and have hardly any bad fat.  Shellfish are brimming with nourishment too including B vitamins, vitamin D, and those awesome omega 3 fats. They are rich in an array of important minerals and provide more […]