Dr. Ann

Quick and Easy Vinaigrette: 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup vinegar of choice (apple cider, balsamic, rice, sherry, white wine, red wine, etc.) 1 heaping tsp. dijon mustard 1 tsp. honey Optional – Herbs or spices (fresh or dried) as desired (garlic, rosemary, basil, chives, curry, cumin, turmeric, dill, cilantro, etc.) I prefer […]

As dairy foods go – low-fat, plain yogurt is a superstar standout.  I want you to include it in your diet regularly. Here are 3 big reasons why you should: Yogurt is the richest and most bio-available source of calcium of any food.  An 8oz serving provides 30-40 percent of your daily calcium requirements. In […]

I’ll never forget the medical mission my family and I went on in Peru (which included a 28 mile hike to Machu Picchu on the ancient Inca trail) and how it gave me a renewed appreciation for fitness, Mother Earth, and quinoa! Commonly considered a grain, but actually a protein-rich seed, quinoa was revered as ” […]

I always include 1 cup (that’s 2 servings) of fruit at breakfast. Most often, frozen berries or frozen berries with banana, kiwi, pear, or apple. I always include 1 ½ cups of veggies at lunch (that’s about 2 – 2 ½ servings). I most often have a combination of leftover dinner veggies and a fresh […]

The food industry has mastered labeling their products in such a way that we are tempted to eat just about anything. Many so-called “health foods” are nothing more than nutritionally defunct, empty calories masquerading as the good guys you want them to be. What follows are the most notorious “health food imposters.” Flavored yogurt products: Although […]

As even small amounts of excess body fat (especially if deposited in the belly) can boost your risk of a laundry list of deadly diseases – awareness of simple strategies to power up your metabolism can be very healthful.  Simply stated – your metabolism is how many calories you burn for the production of energy […]

Want a delicious way to lower your blood pressure? Enjoy some walnuts! Thanks to researchers from Penn State, we now have yet another reason to go nuts for walnuts. For this study researchers placed a group of 45 overweight, adult study subjects on one of three study diets. All of the study diets were low […]

An eye-popping report adds to growing evidence that diet drinks may be working against us in our efforts to lose weight. Researchers who followed 474 people over a 10-year period found those who used diet sodas experienced a 70% increase in their belly circumference vs. those who did not drink diet sodas. For frequent diet […]

Drink green tea – Known in my world as the true elixir of youth – drinking green or white tea is perhaps the easiest and most relaxing way to infuse our bodies and brains with age-defying antioxidants. Both provide over 4 thousand bioactive compounds including the famed “flavonoids” like berries and dark chocolate. One particular flavonoid […]

Travel means dining out and dining out comes with a host of forces that can work against you on the wellness front. Take advantage of the following guiding principles to transform this high risk eating endeavor into one that provides sensory pleasure without sacrificing your health or sabotaging your waistline. Eat out, but eat smart […]

In an attempt to evaluate the scientific efficacy of various interventions to boost intelligence in young children, researchers recently identified three effective strategies. For this evaluation intelligence experts did a comprehensive review of the best published studies. They noted the following IQ boosters: Supplementing the diets of pregnant women and newborns with omega 3 supplements […]

Based on the studies I have reviewed over the years, I remain wildly enthusiastic about the healthful goodness in tea.  Confirming what I intuitively felt to be the case, scientists concluded that bottled teas are essentially worthless from a health standpoint even though people pay lots of money for them (to the tune of 1 […]