Dr. Ann

We all know what it’s like to get that mid-afternoon hunger strike. If you get hungry, be sure to grab (guilt free!) one of my top 10 favorite snacks! A handful (1 ounce) of nuts – any variety, packaged or bulk fresh Fresh veggies (carrots, bell pepper strips, celery, cherry tomatoes, broccoli florets) dipped in hummus, […]

Fiber’s reputation as a nutritional hero just got even sexier. In fact, fiber may be the real fountain of youth. That was the upshot of a new Australian study that followed the diets and health statuses of over 1,600 adults for a ten-year period. At the beginning of the study all of the study subjects […]

If you take fish oil supplements, check to be sure they’re in the natural “triglyceride” form vs. the “ethyl ester” form. Although it is always best to get your vital omega 3 fats from oily fish like wild salmon, fish oil supplements are a convenient alternative for those who cannot or do not eat oily fish. In a recent […]

Roasting is arguably the easiest and tastiest way to prepare your veggies. It preserves their nutrients while concentrating their natural sugars and flavors, which makes them particularly yummy to even the pickiest palates. Roasting also shrinks them in size (because it removes their water), making it easier to consume more in one sitting. Based on […]

The “Mediterranean Diet” has already garnered a sparking and well-deserved reputation as the champion of all heart-healthy diets, and it just won a scientific grand slam. In this landmark evaluation, researchers placed almost 7,500 older adults with risk factors for heart disease on one of three diet plans – a Mediterranean diet where most of […]

Beets are striking in appearance and nutritional value. This crimson-colored root vegetable is home to a unique family of plant pigments called betalains. Betalains exhibit strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying capabilities. When you combine beet’s betalains with its mother load of vitamin C and manganese, two other antioxidant workhorses, along with its hit of folate […]

  Roasted soy nuts – This crunchy, nutty, great-tasting whole soy food is loaded with heart-healthy goodness including B vitamins, vitamin E, omega 3 fats, and soluble fiber.  Whole soy foods have been shown to lower both blood pressure and cholesterol, providing a double-bonus for heart-health. Walnuts – Nuts in general score a perfect 10 […]

Is your sweet tooth going crazy for some Halloween treats? Watch this video on how to curb your cravings before digging into that bucket of sugar.   RELATED Nursing Your Sweet Tooth [INFO GRAPHIC]

In a first-of-its-kind study designed to tease out the most effective behavioral strategies for reducing caloric intake, scientists uncovered some valuable weight loss wisdom. The evaluation was based on data from 123 overweight, adult women who were assigned to one of two arms of a controlled 12-month weight loss study. After monitoring a wide range […]

August 22, 2012 • Healthy Living

Dangers of Fast Food

In addition to solid evidence that eating fast food promotes weight gain and obesity, it appears this infamous form of industrial food may also dramatically boost the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. For this new study, University of Minnesota researchers followed the dietary habits of 52,000 Singapore residents over a 16 year […]

It is widely recognized that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil are good for the heart, but many people are unaware of the additional goodness provided by this flavorful oil’s rich array of super-charged antioxidant chemicals called polyphenols. These special chemicals have exhibited all sorts of dazzling benefits in the laboratory and now we have […]

In a stunning affirmation of the profound health-boosting effects of regular physical activity, European Cardiovascular researchers concluded that regular jogging can dramatically increase life expectancy. As part of the Copenhagen City Heart Study, investigators followed 19,329 adult study subjects over a period of up to 35 years. Study subjects who reported regular jogging at a […]