CLICK HERE: DOWNLOAD The Anti-Aging Cheat Sheet Have a nutrition question for Dr. Ann? Ask her anything on Aug 26th! REGISTER HERE Control the rate at which you age by eating the best anti-aging diet and practicing daily healthy living. Yes, scientists have discovered the best anti-aging diet and lifestyle! One of the most glorious […]
Inflammation is a key driver of most chronic diseases and the anti-inflammatory power in ginger is off-the-charts.The potent inflammation busters in ginger are called xanthines. These valuable agents are also work horses for boosting immunity and fighting viral infections. For optimal results, include ginger, powdered or fresh, in your diet regularly – daily is best. […]
Knowing that herbs and spices are teeming with potent antioxidant compounds, researchers from Penn State set out to determine if adding a blend of herbs and spices to a high fat meal could mitigate its adverse effects. For this study, they fed 6 overweight, but healthy men two separate test meals on two separate days. […]
Curry powder has already achieved blockbuster status as a powerful anti-inflammatory food and thanks to a study it looks like this flavorful spice blend may also be helpful for fighting infections. Scientists discovered that curcumin, the plant chemical that gives curry powder and turmeric (a spice in curry powder) their vivid golden yellow color, significantly […]
Parsley offers a treasure trove of nutritional goodness for virtually no calories. In addition to delicious flavor, this refreshing herb is a wonderful source of vitamins A, C, K, and folate, along with the minerals iron, calcium, and potassium. What is most special about this healing herb however is its robust supply of flavonoids. Parsley […]
Learn to jack up the healthfulness and flavor of your meals using these quick and easy techniques! Here are 10 simple ways to dramatically boost the nutrition and flavor of your dishes in less than 10 seconds. 1. Add 1-2 TBS of toasted wheat germ or shelled hemp seeds (hemp kernels) to your morning cereal, oatmeal, […]
This refreshing herb provides vitamin A, potassium, calcium, vitamin C and can boast a higher concentration of flavonoids than any other food! Flavonoids are powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that provide cardiovascular protection, cancer protection and hinder the aging process. Enjoy tabouli regularly – you can make your own or buy it prepackaged. Cedar`s brand […]
This uniquely flavored Indian spice is both a culinary and a disease-busting treasure. In addition to adding flavorful intrigue to our foods, curry powder is revered for its bountiful supply of the golden yellow pigment called curcumin. Curcumin is arguably the most potent anti-inflammatory fighter in Mother Nature’s arsenal. Given that excess inflammation plays a […]