Evidence is rapidly mounting that junk foods may be truly addicting. Both in animal and human studies, it seems that ultra palatable foods, especially those high in both fat and sugar (think donuts, milk shakes, cheesecake) can highjack our normal appetite regulatory mechanisms, throwing us into a perpetual cycle of desire and binging. A laboratory study […]
Past studies have strongly linked fast food to weight gain, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, and based on this evaluation it seems we may also need to add depression to this list. In a long-term study that involved over 8,500 study subjects, those who consumed the most fast food (hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza) were […]
Taking in any amount of trans fats. Science knows no safe level of intake for this truly “toxic” form of fat. Strictly avoid all processed foods that list “partially hydrogenated oil” in their ingredients list. Eating “ultra-palatable” foods with any regularity. Foods high in fat and/or sugar and salt can directly stimulate the brain’s pleasure […]
After completing the most rigorous and comprehensive review of scientific data to date, an expert panel of world-renown cancer experts recommended, “fast foods be consumed sparingly, if at all.” They concluded that limiting calorically dense food, especially fast foods and sugary beverages, was one of the most important steps an individual could take to reduce […]
In a study involving 559 teens, the more fructose (a component of sugary foods and beverages) they consumed, the higher their blood pressure and fasting blood sugar, and the lower their HDL (good) cholesterol. These finding were most marked in teens with excess belly fat. (Journal of Nutrition, February 2012) In a study that sought […]
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day so it’s important that what you are eating is healthy. So many cereals out there are anything but. Here are ten common brands of cereal that fit my guidelines for 5 grams or more of fiber and 10 grams or less of sugar per serving. Post® […]