Fish may be so valuable for brain health that even a single serving a week may provide profound benefits. In a stunning report presented at a scientific meeting, researchers noted that elderly study subjects who reported eating baked or broiled fish (not fried!) one to four times a week had significantly bigger brains, and were […]
Spice up your brainpower with turmeric! That is the advice to take from a clinical trial that has found that consuming even a modest dose of this highly anti-inflammatory spice improved “working memory.” For this placebo-controlled trial, researchers fed one group of elderly subjects recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes a breakfast that contained one gram of turmeric […]
Looking for a delectable way to sharpen your mind? Dark chocolate may be just what the doctor ordered! In a hot-off-the-press review that included the findings from 49 previously published studies – scientists noted a slew of cognitive benefits that resulted after the ingestion of cocoa flavanols, potent antioxidants found in dark chocolate and cocoa. […]
Berries are one of my top-rated fruits and a food I strive to include in my diet every day. Here are 5 great reasons to join me! Berries are a great source of fiber and vitamin C. Raspberries have more fiber per serving than any other fruit. Berries are a supreme food for brain health […]
Over the past week, I read several important study findings looking at omega 3 fats in children, and all of them really grabbed my attention. Omega 3 fats are “essential” fats that play a critical role in brain, cardiovascular, and immune health. Here are the study highlights. I hope they will grab your attention too! […]
Worried about your memory? I have some promising news from 2 new studies. In the first, scientists gave a dietary supplement of DHA, the omega 3 fat that comprises much of the solid structure of the brain, to a group of healthy older adults who met the criteria for age-related cognitive decline. A second group […]