Dr. Ann

Control your portions! This can certainly trim your grocery bill and your restaurant bill and recent scientific evidence finds that consistently controlling portions is the fastest direct route to weight loss. According to an article published in Obesity Research, Sept 2004, controlling portions increased the chances of successful weight loss by almost four fold! Dump […]

There is now a mountain of scientific evidence that belly (visceral) fat is particularly dangerous so I am excited to share results from a new report that identified two simple strategies for fighting this menace.  For this evaluation, Wake Forest researchers followed 1,114 people over a 5-year period to determine what dietary and lifestyle factors […]

In a landmark  report that comprised the “world’s largest diet study” – researchers concluded that the most effective dietary regimen for preventing and treating obesity is one that is relatively high  in lean protein (25% of calories) and low in its glycemic response. (Glycemic response refers to how high and how fast the carbs you […]

Thankfully, there are a host of proven strategies for losing and fighting belly fat. Here they are: Exercise as much and as often as possible — If you don’t accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity most days of the week you are virtually guaranteed to accumulate belly fat.  (I can always tell who […]

Getting overly hungry is the downfall of dieters everywhere. You know how it works: you think you’re behaving yourself by not eating, but you go too long between meals, and as a result, you grow so hungry that you feel as though your stomach has become a bottomless pit. While you know you should chop […]

Here are some quick highlights from a number of cool, new studies on the weight loss front: High intensity aerobic exercise is effective for reshaping body contour. (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Oct 08).  If you want to “spot” reduce your waistline, high intensity workouts appear to do the trick.  Spinning has definitely […]