Dr. Ann

Have you seen the new advertising blitz (“The Sweet Surprise Campaign”) undertaken by the Corn Refiners Association (sugar pushers) claiming that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is “natural” and “the same as sugar?”  They claim that HFCS has been unduly vilified and that it is handled in the body no differently than regular sugar.  Although […]

Hydration or having enough water in the body is important because water is the body’s most critical, essential nutrient.  Illness and death will ensue from lack of water much more quickly versus the other essential nutrients.   On average, about 65% of the body is made up of water.   Water provides many vital functions: […]

According to a powerful new study – the largest such study ever, middle aged to elderly men can slash their risk of premature death from all causes in half simply by taking a brisk, 30 minute walk at least 4 to 6 days a week.  The investigators calculated the fitness levels of over 15,000 adult […]

There were several new studies from the past few weeks supporting the importance of sleep for both general health and body weight.  According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (December, 2007), adults with chronic health problems like heart disease and diabetes that reported less than 7 hours of sleep each night […]

  I consider extra virgin olive oil the healthiest oil available and a fascinating, novel study gives us an additional reason to make this delicious fat a regular guest at mealtime, namely better appetite control.  Reporting in Gastroenterology (November, 2007) scientists found that oleic acid, the primary fatty acid found in olive oil, delayed stomach […]

A massive, new, landmark review of the most definitive science to date provides confirmation that we, as individuals, have enormous control over whether or not we will develop cancer.  Titled Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer:  a Global Perspective – the report was the most comprehensive ever undertaken to examine the impact of […]

Fish was featured prominently in this month’s nutrition science news.  According to 3 reports in the November issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fish really is brain food! A Dutch study that included over 400 people, ages 50 to 70, found that those with the highest blood levels of omega 3 fats (the […]

Dark chocolate lovers were given an early Valentine from Japanese scientists who presented at the American Heart Association’s annual meeting this month in Orlando, FL – It really is good for the heart!   For two weeks researchers fed a group of healthy young adults 550 milligrams daily of dark chocolate versus white chocolate and monitored […]