Many yogurt-loving clients are thrilled to learn that yogurt can help lower blood pressure. That’s right–when it comes to lowering blood pressure, a daily dose of yogurt may be just what the doctor ordered. In a study that followed the diets and cardiovascular risk factors in 915 community-dwelling adults, consuming yogurt even in small doses was linked to lower blood pressure in those with hypertension.
And the more the better. Those with high blood pressure (the #1 risk factor for heart disease) who consumed yogurt regularly had blood pressure readings a full 6 points plus lower than those with hypertension who did not consume yogurt.
Yogurt contains a slew of nutrients known to offer protection from high blood pressure including calcium, magnesium, potassium and beneficial bacteria. Make this and other fermented dairy foods, particularly kefir, a regular part of your diet.
International Dairy Journal, 2021; 122: 105159 DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.105159
Serves 4
Yep – this is a 100% healthy pancake recipe that is delectable.
Combine ingredients in a blender and blend for 2 minutes. In a nonstick pan, lightly spray the inner surface and using a 2 ounce ladle, place the amount in the pan and cook until brown on one side and then flip. Serve hot topped with warmed (microwaved) berries or fruit, a dollop of yogurt and a drizzle of honey (optional).