Dr. Ann

If you want to improve your sleep – get moving! In a poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation – the results were compelling – exercise is fantastic for sleep. Highlights from this evaluation included the following: 75% of the exercisers reported very good or fairly good sleep quality vs. 56% in non-exercisers. Vigorous exercisers […]

Want to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep and boost your daytime effectiveness? Get up and move! A wonderful report that carefully and accurately measured the study subject’s daily physical activity found a striking relationship between physical activity levels and sound, effective sleep. Specifically, those who engaged in 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous […]

Want an easy way to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and premature death? Stand up. In a powerful new review study that loudly echoes what previous studies have shown – simply taking a stand may be one of the most life-changing and life-saving of all simple maneuvers. This new analysis, which combined […]

Science consistently shows that regular breakfast-skippers tend to weigh more and snack more often on unhealthy foods and a study sheds some fresh light on what may underlie these observations. Researchers took a group of teens who rarely ate breakfast and put them on one of three different breakfast regimens – no breakfast, a normal […]

Keeping your appetite under wraps can be as simple as maintaining your blood glucose level. Here is my best advice to prevent those hunger-generating drops in your blood glucose. Minimize foods known to precipitously drop your blood sugar  – namely, the refined, high glycemic “Great White Hazards” – white flour products, white potatoes, white rice […]

Soluble fiber is great for you! This indigestible form of plant carbohydrate has many health benefits including: lowering cholesterol, stabilizing insulin and glucose levels, promoting satiety, and protecting against belly fat accumulation. Here are the foods that provide the most soluble fiber: Beans (any variety) Peas Barley Flax seeds Chia seeds Oats Oat bran Avocado Carrots […]

I consider dark leafy greens the healthiest food on the planet and the easiest way to “feel” the power of healthy eating. Make it a dietary dictum to eat some form of dark leafy greens (raw or cooked) every day. Sautéed Beet Greens Serves 2-3 Don’t waste the greens on your fresh beets – saute […]

In an “enlightening” scientific study, scientists found that people much prefer the golden glow imparted by eating lots of carotenoid-rich vegetables versus sun-tanned skin.  It is well-known that the yellow/orange/red carotenoid pigments found in produce like sweet potatoes, carrots and tomatoes can build up in your skin if you eat them regularly. In this particular […]

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An evaluation undertaken to assess the impact of diet patterns on the development of hip arthritis found fruits and vegetables were generally protective with the allium group of veggies showing the most effectiveness. The study included a careful assessment of the dietary habits of over 1,000 subjects along with x-ray analysis of their joints.  The […]

Nuts Dark leafy greens Berries Avocados Dark chocolate Extra virgin olive oil Freshly brewed tea Beans Oily fish (mostly salmon) Tomato paste We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of my next e-course, Sleep Better, Forever. Enrollment opens July 13th! Click image below for details.

The science linking diet to brain function is growing by the day and totally captivates me. Thanks to a new double blind, crossover clinical trial, we have evidence that even a single meal high in saturated fat can compromise focus and concentration. For this study scientists carefully monitored the focusing ability of 51 women fed […]