Dr. Ann

Yes! Certain foods like probiotic-rich yogurt can favorably affect blood pressure. Many yogurt-loving clients are thrilled to learn that yogurt can help lower blood pressure. That’s right–when it comes to lowering blood pressure, a daily dose of yogurt may be just what the doctor ordered. In a study that followed the diets and  cardiovascular risk […]

Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D is essential for avoiding heart disease. That was the conclusion from a first-of-its-kind study involving 267,980 study subjects.  For this study scientists used a sophisticated technique called non-linear Mendelian randomization analyses across all study subjects to assess how increasing vitamin D levels impacted heart disease. They were able to show […]

Exercise is a godsend for those with anxiety disorders. That was the upshot of a pivotal new study evaluating how a prescribed regimen of regular physical activity impacted anxiety scores.  For this study 286 adults suffering from clinical anxiety syndromes, some for over a decade, were placed in one of three study groups. Group 1 […]

The most delicious butternut squash recipe in the world.

December 14, 2021 •

More Flavor = Lower Blood Pressure

Want to improve the flavor of your food and lower your blood pressure? Use herbs and spices liberally in your foods.  In a tasty new study, a daily dose of a mix of herbs and spices significantly reduced blood pressure in those at risk for heart disease. 71 adults with cardiovascular risk factors consumed three […]

Sound the alarm! In a pivotal new report, we now have direct, clear evidence that a commonly used food additive, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), quickly disrupts the gut microbiome in healthy subjects.  A slew of recent reports in animal studies have indicated that the ubiquitous family of food additives called emulsifiers radically alter gut bacteria and the intestinal […]

Want a simple and effective way to decrease pain and lower inflammation in the body? Use your muscles! Thanks to a new study, we have additional affirmation that exercise lowers inflammation, as well as deeper insight into how it does so.  For this study, scientists divided 78 arthritis patients into one of two study groups. […]

A convincing body of data supports that excess body fat and depression are strongly linked. To tease out whether being overweight causes depression through social influences, like discrimination, or via physiological pathways, like elevated blood pressure or elevated blood sugar, scientists conducted a series of sophisticated genetic studies using data from the UK Biobank. The […]

A diet high in processed foods quickly leads to brain inflammation and memory decline. That was the alarming conclusion from a study in lab rats by scientists known for their expertise in evaluating how everyday life events impact brain inflammation.  For this study scientists put both young rats and older rats on one of three […]

If you enjoy eating mushrooms, you will be excited to know that this superfood appears to lower the risk of depression. Go fungi! In a study that followed the diets and mental health status of about 24,00 US adults between 2005 and 20016, scientists noted a strong link between mushroom consumption and lower odds of depression. […]

Want to know the most efficient way to improve your fitness? Keep reading. In the largest study to date, scientists determined what types of habitual physical activity are best for improving cardiorespiratory fitness. These findings are very important as superior cardiorespiratory fitness substantially lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and premature death.  For […]

December 7, 2021 • Heart Health

Pecans & Heart Health

Want a delicious way to lower your cholesterol? Enjoy pecans regularly. That was the uplifting conclusion of a new clinical trial that set out to determine how consuming a generous portion of pecans daily impacted blood lipid levels.  For this study, scientists assigned 52 adults at risk for heart disease to one of three study […]