In a landmark report, Johns Hopkins researchers have taken the scientific validity of the power of healthy living to a whole new level. For this evaluation, the researchers carefully followed how four key lifestyle factors affected the risk of heart disease and overall death risk in over 6,200 racially diverse study subjects. All of the […]
I routinely review 80 plus studies a month related to nutrition and health and this one grabbed my attention like no other. In this meticulously controlled investigation, researchers had 39 healthy normal weight adult men and women purposely eat 750 extra fat calories a day for seven weeks with the goal of gaining 3% of […]
We already know that walnuts are one of the most effective foods on the planet for the prevention of heart attacks and a new study finds they may be potent cancer-fighters too. Researchers at the UC Davis Cancer Center fed lab rats genetically engineered to get prostate cancer rat chow supplemented with the human equivalent […]
Maintaining a healthy body weight throughout life is second only to avoiding tobacco as the most powerful thing an individual can do to decrease their cancer risk – yet studies repeatedly show only a minority of the population is aware of the body weight cancer link (so help me spread the word by forwarding this […]
For advocates and followers of low-carb/high protein diets, a provocative, report generating some of the first data on specifically how this diet pattern impacts vascular health, I hope will serve to douse any remaining Atkins’ enthusiasm once and for all. Reporting in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Aug 09), scientists found that […]
The right proteins are a powerful ally in your pursuit of optimal health and my standard advice for making the best protein choices just got a big boost on the healthy heart front. After following the diets of over 84,000 women for 26 years, Harvard investigators determined that eating red meat and full-fat dairy products […]
Woohoo! Exercise compares to prescription drugs for lowering blood pressure. It is well-established that physical activity can lower blood pressure, but there have never been formal trials to pit one against the other. To get around this, researchers combined the results of 194 clinical trials assessing drugs for blood pressure and 197 trials looking at […]
In a heart warming study that provided more stunning evidence for the profound influence a healthy lifestyle can have on cardiac risk, Harvard researchers identified 4 factors we can count on to keep our tickers ticking. In this evaluation, scientist followed a whopping 81,722 women over a 26 year period of time. Study subjects who […]
Enjoy this delicious and healthy recipe for Berry Crumble! Healthy Blueberry Crumble Serves 6 My family loves this dessert for Sunday night! It’s filled with anti-oxidants. Ingredients 6 cups berries of choice, frozen or fresh ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tsp. cinnamon, divided 2/3 cup whole-wheat flour ½ cup old-fashioned rolled oats […]
I consider fiber a secret weapon on the disease-fighting front and this provocative study reminds us to load up early and often for optimal heart health. In the study, scientists demonstrated that a high fiber diet in early-to-mid adult life was associated with a significantly lower lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. The lead investigator described […]
According to a report in Gastroenterology (July 09), Celiac Disease is 4 times more common in the US than it was during the 1950’s. The disease results from an intolerance to the protein gluten, found in wheat, barley, and rye. When celiac patients consume gluten, they suffer an inflammatory reaction within the small intestine that can lead to a […]
We now have credible data to support that calories consumed late at night are more fattening than those consumed during the day. An intriguing laboratory study revealed “hard data” to give us reason to be particularly food-wary during the wee hours of the night. Scientist have consistently observed that shift workers who are frequently forced to eat […]