Dr. Ann

  In an eye-opening study that puts a whole new spin on sleep and wellbeing, investigators found that improving sleep quality over time boosts health and happiness on par with winning the lottery! For this study researchers followed the sleep patterns of 30,500 UK adults for a period of four years. Study subjects who reported […]

If you want to improve your shut-eye and brighten your spirits, losing a little weight may do the trick. In an uplifting report, researchers found that losing as little as 5% of existing body weight was enough to improve sleep quality and mood in overweight study subjects. For the study, scientists assigned 390 obese adults […]

Evidence is rapidly mounting that junk foods may be truly addicting.  Both in animal and human studies, it seems that ultra palatable foods, especially those high in both fat and sugar (think donuts, milk shakes, cheesecake) can highjack our normal appetite regulatory mechanisms, throwing us into a perpetual cycle of desire and binging. A laboratory study […]

The power of healthy living to prevent our most dreaded chronic diseases has received resounding scientific validation.  In a landmark report, scientist identified five cardinal behaviors that if practiced throughout adult life, could slash the risk of our most life-robbing and deadly diseases by 60 to 70%. For this evaluation scientists carefully monitored the health and […]

Good sleep is known to be integral to healthy immune function. And according to an eye-opening study, poor sleep may dramatically boost your risk for catching a cold. For this study, investigators carefully monitored the sleep patterns of 164 healthy adults ages 18 to 55 for one week. For the second week, all study subjects were […]

I wanted to share a recipe that my daughter and I threw together as a protein-packed side dish for dinner.  I served it with some Wild Alaskan Salmon and fresh green beans, but it works great alone as a light supper or lunch as well. Edamame & Veggie Extravaganza Serves 6 This is a wonderful recipe to take advantage of […]

Tomatoes are the most widely consumed non-starchy “veggie” (really a fruit) in America and this is a wonderful thing!  Tomatoes offer a treasure chest of nutrients for boosting your health, but their crown jewel is a super potent antioxidant called lycopene.  Scientists speculate that tomatoes’ rich supply of lycopene is the key factor in the […]

A large body of science has linked time in Mother Nature to a dazzling list of health benefits both physically and mentally, but little is known about how much time it may take to reap benefits. Thanks to researchers from England’s University of Exeter, we now have some science-based guidance on the best dose. For […]

According to a fascinating study, it looks like sunshine may be a robust immune booster. Past studies have already demonstrated the importance of the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D, for immune function, but this new study identified an entirely different way that sunshine can activate immune cells. Specifically, scientists found that exposure to the sun’s blue […]

Although life-long success with weight control requires regular physical activity and eating a healthy diet, there is more to the story. Science has uncovered some additional key facets that, in my experience, most people are in the dark about. Getting quality sleep (7-8 hours a night). Sleep deprivation quickly disrupts metabolic function and boosts appetite […]

June 8, 2019 • Healthy Living


Thanks for your interest in my upcoming Weigh Less for Life e-course! We’ll be in touch with details this week! Dr. Ann

I was blessed to discover the joys of healthy living at a young age and have been hooked ever since. I also know that there is no way I could speak to people with the heart, passion, energy and authenticity it takes to compel them to improve their health behaviors unless I practice what I […]