Dr. Ann

They may be the most diminutive of all fruits, but berries’ health-boosting, anti-aging credentials are astounding! Past studies have shown that berries’ potent one-two punch of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power is especially protective for an aging brain. Scientists have identified yet another berry brain benefit. Reporting at the American Chemical Society Meeting, scientists determined that […]

Looking for a delectable way to sharpen your mind? Dark chocolate may be just what the doctor ordered! In a hot-off-the-press review that included the findings from 49 previously published studies –  scientists noted a slew of cognitive benefits that resulted after the ingestion of cocoa flavanols, potent antioxidants found in dark chocolate and cocoa. […]

Want to add up to ten years of healthy brain function to your later life? Then be sure to exercise! In a totally inspiring study that once again echoes the profound benefits movement has on the brain, researchers documented that older adults who regularly engaged in moderate to intense physical activity like jogging or aerobics […]

Regular exercise has a rock-solid reputation for slowing the aging process and a new study points to HIT as the most effective of all. HIT stands for “high-intensity interval training” and is defined by very brief, but very vigorous bouts of aerobic activity alternating with longer intervals of light activity. For example, pedaling on a […]

July 10, 2018 • Kids Health

Brain Power in Kids

In a ground-breaking study that I hope grabs everyone’s attention, particularly parents and the education establishment, researchers confirmed that both physical activity and body weight have a decisive impact on how well a child’s brain functions. For this study, researchers carefully assessed cognitive function through a special battery of tests in 45 normal weight kids age […]

Those well-deserved darlings of the healthy fat world strike again. This time in an eye-opening new study that looked at how omega 3 fats taken in the form of a daily supplement affects kids’ behavior. For this well conducted, double blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial (the only type of study that can prove cause and effect), […]

Of all organs of the body, the brain is perhaps the pickiest and most demanding when it comes to the foods and nutrients that suit it best.  To boost your focus and concentration, include the following foods in your life regularly: Beans– canned, fresh, frozen, or dried, beans provide the brain a steady and robust […]

The importance of optimal sleep in terms of health and quality of life cannot be overstated.  Inadequate sleep has been consistently linked to a growing list of modern day ills including weight gain, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, emotional disorders and metabolic syndrome.  According to a new study, it appears to be a major “brain […]

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates enthusiastically proclaimed, “What is good for the heart is good for the mind.” Now we know he was spot on with these sage words. Studies over the past decades have consistently revealed that if you take good care of your heart and arteries, you get the added bonus of having […]